Agony of the Blinding Sun

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Hiccup pulled the small bouquet of flowers closer to his lap. Toothless soared in the air, the wind gliding off the dragon's hide as they flew. The faint scent of the red and pink roses filled the air between, he was nervous. Pulling tight on the saddle, he felt the dragon's hum as the soft beating of wings came from behind them. Sleuther soared after the dragon seemed so timid, unlike when its rider was around. The dragon had kept its distance from Hiccup and Heather, not letting either touch it in order to comfort it. Toothless and Windshear had been stung more times than the two riders could count but the triple stryke just wanted to be alone.

So to find him so eager to fly with Hiccup today was a surprise, perhaps it knew where they were going. Hiccup huffed not wanting to worry about what could happen, this was supposed to be... Hiccup shook his head, he needed to get out of his mind.

"It's okay bud." Hiccup said as he lightly touched the night fury's head. Everything was going to be fine, they were going to meet up with Heather and his father and everything would go over smoothly. Then why was his stomach turning itself in knots? He was nervous of course he was, things weren't easy since the whole ordeal a week and a half ago. It took a lot of adjusting and even more time that he would have liked to get Heather officially adopted by Stoick so she wouldn't have to return back to Berserker Island.

After everything she wasn't going back there ever again, even if Hiccup and the other riders had to burn the city to the ground. Shaking his head he heard the faint noise from his dragon as they started to descend. Sleuther followed after slowly overtaking the night fury, and going in front of him.

"You might scare people, Sleuther." Hiccup said but the dragon didn't seem to care as he landed causing everyone around to scatter at the sudden sight of the massive dragon. "He's just as difficult as his rider." Hiccup hissed before landing beside the triple stryke.

"Think you could have been any noisier." Stoick said from where he waited in his truck. Hiccup rolled his eyes before smiling at his father and looking at the hospital entrance. At least he wasn't late.

"Can't exactly control Sleuther." Hiccup stated as he looked up at his father.

"Heather texted they should be coming out pretty soon." Stoick got out of the truck, ready to help with whatever they needed even if it meant stopping Sleuther from attacking his still injured rider. "Nervous?" Stoick asked as he noticed Hiccup tightening his trip on the bouquet of flowers.

"Just a bit. I haven't really talked to him since, you know." Hiccup said, pushing the pained memory of seeing the blood on his boyfriend's body out of his thoughts. "I mean he just woke up from that induced coma two days ago and now he's coming home. I don't know what to think."

"I think he missed you and I'm certain he's going to be happy to see you again." A huff came from Sleuther as the dragon eyed the two vikings. "You too, Sleuther." Stoick laughed. It was the sound of the sliding glass doors that brought the men's attention to upwards. Heather smiled at Stoick and Hiccup as she pushed the wheelchair in front of her. Dagur looked better; he wasn't as pale as he was when he was in the coma, and he was starting to grow a beard. Hiccup actually thought it suited him as Dagur finally seemed to notice them, it was a soft smile that crossed the others ilps. He shifted his right arm in the sling before giving a pained hiss and stopping the movement. Hiccup could still tell that Dagur was pretty out of it and he would be for a bit, because of the pain meds he was on. Sleuther made a noise and started forward as Stoick rushed in front of the dragon stopping it from tackling its rider.

"Hey, buddy." Dagur said as the dragon reached over Stoick nuzzling its rider gently a soft noise escaping it. "Missed you too." He whispered. Sleuther tried to move forward, still perhaps trying to get as close as he could to its rider, but Stoick held the dragon back.

"Hiccup." Dagur's grin was almost contagious as Hiccup felt his heart flutter at the sound of his name coming from the older man. Hiccup felt his face heat up as Dagur smiled at him, he was most certainly happy right now. Hiccup couldn't wait for his boyfriend to not be so sad, or have such a difficult life. What if Dagur didn't even want to keep dating him?

"How are you feeling?" Hiccup asked as he walked up to Dagur.

"Like I got run over by a rumblehorn." Dagur whispered. "Did you get me flowers?" Dagur questioned.

"Yeah... well you're coming home today and I thought it'd be nice... they can spruce up your room a bit." Dagur chuckled.

"You talk so much." Dagur said as Heather got the wheelchair beside the car. Stoick didn't need another word as he stepped closer ready to help Heather as his newly adopted daughter waved him off.

"We might be okay." Heather reassured. "I think you two should deal with Sleuther."

"Deal with... Sleuther!" Hiccup screamed as the dragon was trying to get into the hospital. Hiccup could hear Heather laughing as Hiccup rushed with his father to force the excited dragon back enough to not block the entrance to the medical facility. Toothless snarled as he rushed in front of the other dragon getting it to back up. Once happy that the dragon wouldn't try that stunt again Hiccup looked to Heather who was now pushing an empty wheelchair back up to the hospital.

"How did you?"

"Come on brother, I've dealt with Dagur his whole life. Getting him into a truck is the smallest of my abilities." Heather chuckled as Hiccup rolled his eyes. He wasn't used to Heather calling him brother and he wasn't certain if he'd ever get used to the idea. She only had a few years to actually be considered his sister.

"Are you flying home or getting in?" Stoick called to the two eighteen year olds.

"Windshear and I will fly, with Sleuther back." Heather answered as she walked up to Hiccup. "Dagur wanted to talk to you." Heather whispered as Hiccup huffed. He had hoped to wait to talk about everything once they got home. Toothless gave a noise as Hiccup walked up to the dragon and scratched his head.

"In the bed, Toothless." Hiccup ordered getting the dragon to grumble before clambering into the truck's bed. Hiccup got into the backseat settling beside Dagur as the shimmer of Windshear's scales reflected back into the truck. Hiccup really wanted to know how the two siblings were able to call the dragons in and out of their marks.

"You wanted to ride with me?" Dagur asked as the truck started backing out of its spot. Stoick was going to pay no mind to the two in the back as he tried not to listen to their conversation.

"Heather said you wanted to talk." Dagur blinked at him, confusion on his features.

"I don't remember saying that." Hiccup snickered of course Heather did that. The vehicle fell into a sort of silence that wasn't all that odd anymore. It was better than hearing the beeping of the machines in the background.

"I'm sorry." Dagur whispered, catching Hiccup a bit off guard.

"You don't have to apologize."

"Yes, I do. I could have gotten you all killed." Dagur stated.

"But then you tried to fix it and you did. Perhaps not in the best way, but it was the way you knew how. We are all okay, Dagur. You were the only one that actually got hurt." Hiccup said as he looked at the red haired man.

"How am I not in jail?"

"That would be my doing." Stoick stated from the driver's seat. "You saved my life, that's all the cops needed to know. Now Viggo is gone and we won't be seeing him ever again. So you don't have to worry about that." Dagur was silent.

"As soon as I'm able I can leave if that's what you want." Dagur said.

"Why would you have to leave? Maybe we want you to hang around and be a part of the family. I mean... it'd be kind of hard to still date if you were off Berk." Hiccup whispered as he rubbed at the back of his head.

"You... you still want to date me?" Dagur asked.

"Of course I do. Why would you think I wouldn't?"

"Because I-" Dagur mumbled. "I'm bad."

"You're not bad. You were just a little lost." Hiccup stated as he looked at Dagur. "You're both safe now." Hiccup smiled as Dagur gave a weak smile back.

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