Who's My Love? Bestfriend Or Boyfriend? Chapter Three

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Continuation from part two

Noah was talking to the ticket booth lady again when I finally reached him. He kissed her on the lips and exited. I shook my head. Go after him. Just go. He is your best friend!

I finally reached him. "Noa." That stopped him. I hadn't called him that nickname since the sixth grade. It always made him smile when I called him that. He said he never had a nickname and was glad to finally have one. I smiled. It was also the day we kissed.

He turned around. Tears were in his eyes. He didn't look himself. He looked like the scared boy in sixth grade that took shit from everybody and not the big badass that hits on me every time. 

"Dixie." I winced. He barely called me dixie. It was either love or, my love. "Noa, I'm sorry." "Please tell me why you care about who I fuck." I was shocked, he should know. "I care about you. I love you, you're my best friend." I said softly, stepping closer to him. "You hate me." That made me stop walking. I was angry now. "You're calling me a liar?" He looked confused. "I told you in sixth fucking grade, that I'll be your friend forever. No matter what." His eyes soften. "I know. I never forgot that." He said simply. "I just think you don't want to live up to your promise, love." He started to walk away. "Noah?" He didn't stop walking. "Noah!" He still kept walking away. I started walking after him. "What the fuck are you doing?" "I'm going home." "That's a long walk." "I know my way, I'll be fine."

I walked right into his arms. I wrapped my arms around him and looked into his eyes. "Stay, please." I pleased softly. "No." He was about to walk away but, I surprised him and me, by kissing him on the lips. I kissed him hard and didn't care about anything. I felt his tongue slide into my mouth and I moaned, I loved it. Every bit of it.

"Woah! A little rated R for best friends if you ask me." I heard a voice say. I backed away from Noah. Shit! I turned to see Bryce there grinning. "Uh..." Was all I could get out. "Chill, chill. I'm not a snitch. I fucking hate Blake." "That makes the two of us." I heard Noah say. "I just came because I love the twins, lots. But, just give me tabs bout this whole secret relationship. It's fascinating." Bryce said, handing me a card. I took it and it had his number on it. "See you later," Bryce said turning around and heading back to the amusement park.

I turned around, Noah had his hand on his lip. "Well, that's was something, love." Guilt washed over me. I just cheated on Blake. "I didn't know you had a thing for me." "I just cheated on Blake," I said speaking my thoughts. "Dixie, my love don't worry about him," Noah said holding me. I relaxed a little at his touch. "Let's just see how this secret thing works out." I sighed. "I guess I could sneak around for a little bit," I said feeling naughty.  Noah laughed. "Good, your kisses are ecstatic, love." He said before kissing me again, long and hard, and most of all, lovingly. "want to walk?" he breathed against my lips. I nodded. He took my hand and we started walking. "If you get tired, I'll gladly carry you, my love." I smiled. "I'm not tired yet." Noah laughed.

Noah had to carry me about half the way. Not once did he sweat or breathe hard. I was completely shocked. He had also kissed me as he carried me. His kisses were soft and left my lips tingling.

We were now laying on my bed kissing. One kiss coming after another. Weirdly, it didn't bother me he was shirtless and so was I. His kisses were so intoxicating. But, I wasn't going to have sex with him for sure.

"We're not going to have sex." Noah looked at me completely shocked. "I would never try that on you. Ever." "Promise?" I said holding out my pinky. "Promise." He said, ignoring my pinky gesture, and kissing me on the lips. He got off me and got his shirt off the floor and passed me mines. He put his shirt on as I put on mine. "You know who you haven't seen in a while?" Noah asked me."Who?" "Kylie." My eyes widen, and a smile spread across my face.

Kylie was his little sister, and like the coolest girl, I ever met. She was feeling homesick and flew to Australia. I cried for a week, missing her.

"She's back?" "Flight flew in this morning." "And you didn't tell me?" I screamed. "Kylie is back!" Noah laughed. "I'll never understand why you love so, my love." "How could I not? Your sister is perfect. If I was lesbian, I would totally do her!" Noah laughed. "I would love to see you do a girl, but not my sister, love." I rolled my eyes. "your car is in the driveway, let's go see her." "Fine, fine," he said walking out the doors, me behind him.

To be continued...


Hope you guys enjoy this. I am new to this so please don't hate just tell me what needs fixing. And sorry if there are any spelling mistakes. Have a good day. Love you all.

Posting scheduled:

I'll try to post two parts a day but at least will get one up.

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