Chapter 42- Virgins

Start from the beginning

They really didn't get her point.

" What's your mom like, you rarely talk about her." Efua asks.

Faye was very silent after that. She was in deep thought, not that she didn't trust them but she found it painful to talk about her to others, just when Ciarra decided to say something to elude the awkward silence, Faye speaks up running her fingers through her thick curls.

" She's not dead if that's what you guys are thinking, she's very much alive but... I hate myself for being like this. My mom had some sort of polio when I was in second grade and it ruined her lungs. She's been using an iron lung ever since and I just couldn't stand seeing her all immobile and sick. I'd have panic attacks whenever I saw her in my mom suggested she be put in a permanent facility so I get to see less of her. I only see her twice in a year though I really wished I saw more of her." Faye's voice drops a notch, " I have a little sister too, she was adopted when I was eight, she never really got to know my mom well until recently. That was why I told my Dad I'd like to go to boarding school, my mom wasn't finding things easy at the facility, she wanted to be home and since I made coming home become painful for her, I decided to leave. My Dad is rarely home, he's usually at his base in Pakistan so she's all alone with Jael and her hired nanny at home. She loves it.

She loves all the attention and the fact that she gets to raise another daughter but I ruin it everytime I get home. She tries to let me know that I am special but I don't think I am and that is probably why I have little self-respect." She rants as her friends look at her with worried and confused expressions.

" You're not alone, we all hate ourselves sometimes or don't we?" Ashanti asks the rest and they all nod in reckoning.

" You are not the only one who is disappointed in yourself, I am always disappointed in myself because I can't stand up to my own sister." Healenore tries to assure her.

" We all have something we are disappointed in about ourselves but look at us, we don't give up, we're still going strong. You have all this going on and yet you manage to carry yourself around so well that guys easily hit on you and secondly, you're still one intelligent girl." Ciarra tells her.

" Tell that to Mr Djietror." Faye mutters under her breath and Veronica chuckled.

" That man always thinks Faye cheats on her Economics tests." Veronica explains.

" But I don't."

" Of course you don't, why do you think you were accepted into Manhattan house.., duuuh, it's because we are all geniuses." Efua points out and gives Faye a high five.

" I've lost my appetite." Faye leans back in her seat and grumbles.

" Look here sweetheart, I know you're really pulling off this Kendall Jenner physique but I think it's time you ate enough to get something on your front side and your backside." Sarah suggests getting the others to giggle.

" Eeeeew, it's okay for my mom to say that but not you guys. And FYI, I am really trying to upgrade my boobs so I stuff my bra when I'm going ou...!" She paused at the sound of Kweiba spitting her coffee back into her cup in an attempt to laugh at her, she coughed briefly and let out a laugh.

Faye glares at her.

" Haaaa!, I should've known you stuffed your bra because your bra size doesn't match your chest size. Even Heather has more boobs than you do and she's thirteen." She laughs.

" Fourteen in December... Actually." Heather tries to correct.

" You're not gonna drink that, are you?" Nesrina asks and Kweiba defiantly picks up the mug and downs everything in one gulp.

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