"How long do we know each other, Raiden? Maybe you fool yourself, but you don't fool me. You haven't touched your dinner, not your lunch or breakfast. Yesterday- the same. I talk to you and you are not here. Your eyes tell me you have not rested for some while now, and I know you had no woman in your room. When is the last time you had a woman?"

"Just let me be, Rhys. I don't need this right now."

"That's exactly what you need! Admit it!"

"Admit what?" I asked irked.

He stood there with his mouth agape. "That's more serious than I thought..."

Grabbing the bottle, he filled the cup and placed in front of me. "You are infatuated! Take her and be done with it. I need you to focus, Raiden- we might never come back from Taria. I can bring her tonight."

I took the drink and finished it in two big gulps. "How can I take her, Rhys? How can I take her into my darkness?"

My hand tightened it's grip on the wine cup, till a loud crack came from it. I threw it on the floor and motioned towards the cabinet.

"Call Uma in my room. Tell her to bring fresh water and a sharp blade. And pour another."



Me and the other girls were meticulously cleaning the great hall. They seemed friendly, and I was thrilled to have someone to talk with besides mother, after all these years of loneliness.

Uma was shouting directives, exiting on a door and entering through another, scolding them for their "dirty mouths" while they laughed.

I pricked up my ears and tried to make sense of what they were saying. A bonnie slave called Lyla eyed me, smiling. I smiled back at her while my hands were scrubbing one of the long tables.

"Dawn, right?" she asked. I nodded my head and she came closer. "What is your secret?" she inquired in a low voice.

Seeing my confused face, she continued. "What did you do to him, you know... when he rode you?"

"R- rode me?" I stammered. "What do you mean?"

"Oh Dawn, don't be shy," - her smile grew bigger. "We share things between us. You must have done something special. He forbade the wolves to claim you, and he has never done that before. I think he wants to keep you for himself. So what is your secret?"

As her smile grew bigger, so did my confusion. Her hands stopped moving and she raised her brows with her mouth agape as she saw my wonderment. "Are you still...? Oh, by the Sun and the Moon, how this come?"

At hearing this, all the others stopped. Their faces carried the same amazement, and, within seconds, they all fussed around and explained me the things between a man and a woman.

"It hurts a little, but then it becomes better." one girl said.

"Oh, much better. Especially with a skilled one, like the prince!" Another added.

I nodded my head at everything they said and tried to understand. What I got so far was that the man rides the woman and puts his stick into the hole.

"But... doesn't your back hurts when... he rides you?" I asked. They all burst into laugher, holding their bellies and gasping for air.

"And you said that..." I looked to Lyla, "You made him claim you. How?"

With her face still red from the laugh, she answered. "When the hen is chased by the cockerel, do you know what she asks herself?"

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