Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"Well, what's wrong?" Speedwagon asks casually before gasping in terror. Then screaming in terror. Then the music picks up a notch and the colours around you change.

'Shit.' You think.

You three Hamon users get out of the carriage and look around warily. You get why the carriage stopped now. The horses had been beheaded, along with the driver who was still sat alert in his seat.

With a horse's head stuck to his neck.

What the fuck, that's Simon's corpse, isn't it? You've known the dumb bastard all your life and now you have the great displeasure of seeing him dead. You're totally gonna puke. Who the bloody hell did this?

"Is it Dio? It has to be him." Jojo says and you look at your green-tinted boy in bafflement. Sure Dio's doing the whole killing people business now but this isn't like the blonde at all.

"Listen, all of you, step away from the horses," Zeppeli says slowly and you don't need to be told twice to back away from the now writhing throat of one of the dead horses.

"What in the blue hell? That crazy blighter's inside of a horse!" Speedwagon screams as a man's head slithers out of the horse's throat.

This is going to give you nightmares in the future. If you don't die doing the Barons odd test thing that is.

"Good god! This one's mad as a hatter!" Speedwagon yells as an odd purple undead man leaps out of the horse covered in blood.

"Dio's evil yeah, but I ain't seen him jump out of any animals so far!" Speedwagon continues and you have to support him slightly as he panics. Thank goodness you have a great poker face after the brief Hamon training or you'd be falling over yourself as well.

"He must be gathering minions and who knows how many he might have!" Jojo yells as well.

This is going to be a very long and unpleasant experience, isn't it?

. . . that's what she said.

"Stand aside my young friends, I will do the fighting," Zeppeli commands, sticking a hole in the bottom of his wine bottle and pouring it into his small glass, "He is a zombie, they must feed on living flesh to survive. However, they are in constant thrall to their master, not unlike marionettes."

"All you lots bout as white as a sheet," The now revealed Londoner zombie snarls and you scowl, "All the blood is drained from your faces. Maybe I should cut off those useless heads of yours and watch it spray out of your necks!"

The zombie shoves his own shining blade right into his face and through his cheeks. Jojo and Speedwagon both gasp.

There's no way you aren't going to take the blade once the zombie's been killed. It was pretty. You also plan on taking the chance to insult the zombie, "Not the most intelligent creatures are they?"

"Now you mewling corpses to be, prepare for the carnage!" The zombie roars before standing still and posing so the baron can teach.

"Tell me what's his next move? You must think as he does!" Zeppeli instructs, "(Y/N), Jojo, this strategy will serve you in good stead. Ask yourself 'what would be the most advantageous thing for my foe to do next?' Him for example, if he blocks off the tunnel entrance we can't retreat to the sunlight."

Without missing a beat the zombie picks up the carriage and throws it at the tunnel's ceiling. Causing an avalanche of rocks to fall and block the light and the entrance.

"Just as I predicted he's blocked our retreat!" The Italian man yells into the darkness.

"If you predicted it why didn't you prevent it?!" You huff, running out of the way of some falling rocks, "If this is another weird lesson thing I'll ruin you! And not in a sexual way!"

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