🍼Kaede x Shuichi + babies- Kaori and Masako🍼

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🍼Genre: fluff
🍼Length: medium (487 words)
🍼Au: non despair. They are both 25 and have twin girls called Kaori and Masako who are 8 months old.

"Tea is ready!" Kaede smiled as her husband looked up from playing with the twins. Kaede's beauty had not faded with age. Her face was still round and always tickled pink, her eyes flickering with a constant cosy glow, like a cottage fireplace. Her blonde hair was swept up in a ponytail, which swayed when she ran after Kaori and bounced when she trampolined Masako on her knees.
Kaori crowed at the word 'tea' and started crawling with her marshmallow legs. Cautiously, Shuichi scooped her up before she could run far; Kaede grabbed Masako.
Kaori continued to cheep as the two parents strapped them into their baby chairs. As it usually goes with twins, Kaori was the naughty one- mashed baby food was always an accessory to her curly, navy hair and her pink eyes always seemed to be fixated on something she wasn't supposed to be eating. Masako Saihara was always giggling at her naughty twin: her hair was always a clean blonde and her eyes were a milky yellow, like a banana milkshake. She was definitely as sweet as one, and bananas were her favourite food. Kaori preferred her dad's hair.
"Here comes the aeroplane! Wooooo!" Shuichi flew a carrot-flavoured aeroplane into Masako's neat pink mouth.
"Ahh, collision!!" Kaede zoomed her spoon into her husband's, making extremely loud plane noises.
"Pew pew pew pew!" Shuichi yelled. Kaede's plane/spoon retreated and 'landed' in the transfixed Kaori's mouth.
"We'll win next time!" Kaede grinned.

🍼🍼🍼🍼🍼🍼After Tea🍼🍼🍼🍼🍼🍼

Kaori splashed around on her stomach like a turtle, gnawing on a rubber duck and kicking her sister with her stubby legs. Masako resembled a middle-aged tourist, laying in the bath with her eyes closed, occasionally watching a rubber duckie float past.
Shuichi decanted a jug of warm soapy water onto Kaori's back, laughing when she squealed. Kaede smiled to herself, watching her husband and twins. She had not had a simple pregnancy- sometimes she swore her stomach was tearing apart, in the middle of endless nights. They had arrived three weeks early, at midnight, and Kaede had woken them both screaming. Shuichi almost had to deliver the baby himself- fortunately, they had reached the hospital in time and after a ten minute labour, Kaori and Masako bloomed into the world like daffodils in spring. She loved them both more than anything in the world- except Shuichi.
"Should we get them out now?" Asked her husband.
Kaede shook her head, dislodging her memories.
"Yeah! Then it's bedtime." Shuichi yawned loudly. "For you two, baby." She giggled.
The parents carried Kaori and Masako into their bedroom. They were dressed in matching candy floss-pink and bubblegum-blue baby grows and tucked into their cot.
"Goodnight Kay-Kay. Goodnight Mako- Mako." Cooed Kaede. "Goodnight!"

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