🧊Sakura Ogami x reader- Ice coffee🧊

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🧊Genre: fluff
🧊Length: Medium (409 words)
🧊Au: Non despair

The woman taps her neon-pink fingertips on the table, her eyes elsewhere.
"I want an... iced coffee with 6 ice cubes, with two straws and cream- oh wait, 8 ice cubes. And a sandwich with no pickle, no tomato, no butter and no bread."
I show off that sickly sweet smile I've practiced in the mirror before walking to the kitchen and letting it slide off like treacle.
I pull out a plate and prepare the ridiculous order, hesitating at how to make a sandwich with no bread. Eventually I just lay the ingredients on top of each other and spear the middle with a skewer (that took me too long to figure out how to spell). The aroma of delicious coffee soon fills the air-one of the only two good things about working here (the other one is the money).
The tray teeter in my hands as I try to balance the plate and cup, the liquid jiggling around inside, the ice cubes clinking together. Stumbling forwards, I reach the table-


The freezing-cold drink soaks my clothes, hair and the floor. I land on my stomach, soaking in a puddle of coffee.
"You idiot! You got coffee all over my shoes!"
A screechy voice stuns me from above. A pair of spotless rose high heels greets my face.
"I'm leaving and never coming back to this stupid café!"
"Oww..." After the initial shock, a new pain joins the party- I'm freezing. My teeth already start to chatter madly.
"Are you ok? Please, let me help you."
A pair of strong hands pull me up from the floor, setting me back on my feet. I look up at the woman in front of me. Her arms are thick with muscle and a lighting shock of glossy white hair reaches her waist.
"Would you like to come back to my house? I can find you some clean clothes?"
"Oh... thank you! Yes please!" I doubt any of her clothes would fit me, but I follow her anyway.

🧊🧊🧊🧊At Sakura's house🧊🧊🧊🧊

I step out of the shower, wrapping a huge towel around my body. I pull on Sakura's f/c oversized jumper, which almost reaches my knees.
"Heyyy." I walk into her kitchen, my feet patting on the floor. Sakura's eye light up when she sees me.
"You look great." Her large hand ruffles my hair and I smile.

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