She was wearing a gorgeous burgundy dress and holding a nude handbag, as she stood beside my Dad who was wearing a simple suit, and Carter who was wearing an all black ensemble including a turtle-neck.

"Thanks Mom." I laughed, reaching the bottom of the stairs. "Ready to go?"


We quickly arrived at the location of the wedding, where my Mom and I were quickly escorted to the room of the bride.

"Where are my earrings? I can't find them! Oh my god, my lipstick has smudged. This is a disaster!" I heard from behind the hotel room door where they were staying.

"This sounds like it's going to be fun." Mom sighed before she knocked on the door.

"Ellie, calm down!" I heard Hailey shout from the other side of the door before she opened it.

"Hi." I said cautiously.

"Oh thank god you're here." she sighed. "We really need the extra help."

We walked into the room to see Ellie stood in front of a large mirror in the most gorgeous dress, with her mom stood by her side touching up her makeup. Her other bridesmaids being at the other side of the room.

 Her other bridesmaids being at the other side of the room

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"Wow Ellie you look so beautiful." My mom said, walking over to hug her carefully.

"Oh Auntie Julia, you're here! Thank you so much. Where's Skylar?"

"Over here!" I said, still stood beside Hailey at the door.

"Oh good, all the bridesmaids have arrived. You both look perfect." Ellie clapped.

"Ellie's been freaking out a little." My auntie Dawn said from beside her.

"It is a big day." she breathed.

"Don't worry Ellie. I remember my wedding day like it was yesterday." Mom reminisced. "I was a nervous wreck..."

"It's true, she was pacing the room and everything." Dawn added.

"Yes, thank you Dawn." Mom sighed. "My point is, it was the best day of my life. In fact, I see a lot of similarities with my own wedding. I had blue bridesmaid dresses just like you." She reminisced.

"Thanks Julia, that's helped to ease my nerves. I don't remember much about your wedding, how old was I? 4? It seems like a lifetime ago." Ellie laughed softly.

"You were. You won't remember, but when I first met you and Benji, I thought you were just the cutest little kids. Reed just completely adored the both of you, and still does." Mom smiled. "Speaking of the devil, I should probably go and find him to make sure he and Carter haven't killed each other before the ceremony."

"I love you Auntie Julia. Thank you for everything." Ellie said, hugging her once more.

"You're welcome honey, good luck. I'm so happy for you." She said before hugging me and leaving the room.

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