Chapter 16: Intense feelings

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Zero woke up in a bed, hearing distant arguing as he slowly sat up with a yawn. He looked around noticed that this must be Kaname's room. Feet soon touched the floor and started to move towards the door. Zero opened it and followed the sound until he finally reached the source. He leaned an ear towards the direction of the door and recognized the voices as Kaname and Yuki. Great, the last thing he needed was his ex here, but oh well.

Suddenly, Zero's heart started to hammer against his chest and his mouth started to water a bit as he senses strong blood. The silver haired man tried to suppress this feeling, but soon, it was too overwhelming for him. He soon quickly turned away and was about to walk downstairs until he was wrapped in firm pairs of arms all of a sudden. He looked up and slightly back to find Kaname smiling down at him.

Kaname cupped his cheek and was rubbing it with his thumb gently as Yuki came in screaming, "I'm not done with you! Give me an answer, Kaname! Why did you cheat on me with my ex and turn him into a vampire?!" She was about to say more until she noticed Zero's shocked expression looking at her. Causing Yuki to be shocked as well, becoming still and silent. Her boyfriend and cousin frowned at her, "He seems like someone who could help us with this dangerous situation, Yuki. Plus, you know how this is, the vampires have to be loving and sometimes romantic when turning people." Yuki gave a 'hmph' and pouted, crossing her arms.

The brown haired male turned back to Zero, who immediately scowled and ripped his hand that was laying on the other's cheek. "So am I just a tool then? If so, I can just leave..." Zero said, scowling. He turned away and headed down the steps, soon leaving the building altogether. Kaname watched with slight disappointment, but then it turned into a bit of surprise. Since when did he start developing feelings for the silver haired brat? He then remembered Yuki and turned to the still angry girl with a smile.

He walked close to her and leaned down to whisper in her ear, "Two can play this game darling. Consider this...thing between us, over. Now...get out of my mansion." He grabbed his once again ex and dragged her out the room and down the steps before opening the front door. Throwing her outside just as the sky started to rain.
Weeks later...

Zero isn't feeling so good.

Somehow, the boy managed to prevent himself from attacking a human for their blood and suppressing his blood thirst overall. He distracted himself with school, human food and exercise. It worked for a while but the bloodlust only became stronger to the point that he started feeling those discomforts again. But on a higher level.

Zero whimpered as he curled himself into a ball in his room on the bed. All of a sudden, someone rang the doorbell. Causing Zero to jump up, frightened. He slowly got out of bed and walked out of his room towards the door. Once he reached it, he grabbed a gun called bloody rose. Zero doesn't really know what this gun is, he just thought that it was a pretty name that could be powerful weapon that could protect them.

"Who is it?" He asked.

There was no answer.

He slowly opened the door and quickly pointed his gun out, but found nobody there except for the cat lady staring at him like he's a piece of meat. Zero, as usual, gave her a look of disgust and saw a letter on the floor. He bend down to pick it up and quickly went inside, locking the door.

Hands opened the letter quickly and started to read. Soon, his face turned from neutral to something that connects with fear. Ichiru could be in trouble...Zero is definitely in trouble. Who the fuck is this Rido person and what did the boys do to piss him off? But if this Rido guy wants to meet with him at an abandoned building, then so be it. But he does have to warn Ichiru. Let's just hope he answers.

Riiiing! Riiiiiing! Riiiiiing!

"Ichiru...come on..."

Riiiiing! Riiiiing... Rii- hello, this is Ichiru. I'm not available right now. Please leave a message after the beep..

Zero hanged up and lightly but still angrily threw his phone on the kitchen table. Ichiru is probably still pissed at him. Which only made his heart ache. When was the last time the two of them really said 'I love you' to each other and mean it? Lately, Zero has been feeling a bit empty without Ichiru with him. But that's life, sometimes, people are not always there. You will have to figure things out on your own.

An hour later, Zero got ready and left his room, carrying his bloody rose gun and trying to distract himself from the pain he is now experiencing as the bloodlust only grew. He walked out of his house and locked it behind him before heading for the meeting place. Once he got near it ten minutes later, all of a sudden, someone came out of nowhere and jumped on him. He growled and quickly took out a pocket knife, swung it behind him and successfully slashed the attacker's face. When he heard a cry in pain, he quickly turned around and was surprised to find out the attacker was none other than Yuki.

"What the...Yuki?!?! Why are you here?" He seethed out.

Yuki's eyes widened when she recognized Zero. "I'm so sorry! Kaname and I thought that it would be wise to patrol this block to protect you and watch that building there. We sense that there is some suspicious activity." Zero scoffed at her and turned back, once again walking towards the building.

The girl ran after him, yelling out, "I'm coming with you!"

Zero rolled his eyes, "Whatever. Just don't get in my way, or else."

"Of course," Yuki agreed quickly, "I promise not to interfere unless needed."

The two then went silent and continued on their way.

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