Chapter 14: The Threat

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A/N: Hi you guys! It's been a while but here is another chapter. This is where I will introduce the character Rido. I am planning on finishing VK the manga and anime soon when I'm on vacation from school, but I don't know, we'll see lol. Anyways, I say this because for all of you real and/or hardcore friends out here will definitely see that his origins and 'mission' might not be the same as it was shown in the manga/anime. Anyways, enjoy!

There is a man who was feared among the hunter and vampire community alike. He was on no one's side but his own. Maybe he's a bounty hunter or just has trust issues, who knows. His name is Rido. Yes, only Rido. The man never revealed his last name to anyone. Wanting to bring a bit more mystery to him. His lifetime goal is to become a vampire, and be very powerful. But that meant to find a vampire to do the blood drinking ritual with. Unfortunately, every attempt has failed and only resulted in death.

Rido wasn't always this cruel and heartless everyone else knew him by. He used to have a lot of humanity in him and a family. Four kids, three were teens and the last one was only a toddler. They, including his late wife were murdered within two days. His wife was killed by a vampire and his children were killed by vampire hunters. Barely anyone except for a few friends came to the funeral. Rido wasn't too surprised, since these were the same who always asked for money from his wife while she was alive.

Overtime, his anger and grudge grew at the same time as his assassin skills. It should be noted that this fake friends died. Rido managed to kill them all in the most brutal way possible. Now, how is he related to this story? You may ask. Well, you're about to find out.

Now we are back with Ichiru, who finished school on his homework, currently taking a nap in his room. Of course it hurt when Zero left but Ichiru got over it pretty quickly. He won't force his brother to be with him if he doesn't want to. But that didn't stop him from eventually getting a dream. A dream that will scare him.

The dream:

Ichiru felt weak, his body was battered and slashed deeply, he could feel himself slowly losing life minute by minute. A voice told him to hurry and go help Zero. His brother has become...what? A vampire?! Specially, a level E vampire, the weakest and most of the time, short lived kinds of the vamps. He could see himself reaching an injured Zero and shooting him with this gun called the bloody rose. Ichiru is slightly surprised when he saw himself fall into Zero's arms.

It absolute hurt his heart to see Zero cry and hug him like he was something precious. Ichiru wasn't able to hear a lot except for this one name. Rido. Just...Rido. Soon, Ichiru's eyesight started to get blurry as darkness slowly takes over...

End of dream...

Ichiru gasped out, immediately sitting up quickly. His hand rose up to wipe tears from his eyes. Suddenly a smooth, female voice called out to him. "Ichiru...are you alright? I'm here with you again. I hope you're conscious because we need to talk. There is danger here, especially for you. There is a guy name..." Ichiru interrupted his mentor and implied crush, Shizuka.

"Rido...isn't it? His name is Rido...who is he?"

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