Chapter 6: Broken vows

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Kaname gasp and quickly brought his hands to his neck, feeling blood spilling out of the big gash made on his throat. Zero kicked him down and jumped to where Yuki is, covering her mouth to prevent her from screaming. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, "I should kill you but..but I can't. Despite my anger towards you for not loving your father enough...I cannot bring myself to end your life. This is so shameful and embarrassing for me to admit but...I'm in love with you Yuki. That's why I'm not going to kill you, but make you go into a deep sleep." With that, he hit the back of her head, knocking her unconscious.

Suddenly, he heard a cackle.

Zero immediately looked up and was shocked to see Kaname grinning at him from ear to ear. "You're such an idiot Zero...but a pretty one. You can't take material from a stale and expect it work. I will let you in on a few things sweetheart. One, the way to kill a vampire is not just sunlight, unless if they drank a potion like us family, but to poison us with a Bloody Rose or impale us on a stake three times in a shape of an actual heart. Two, you're right on the money. I did kill that old geezer. He was in my way on not only being with Yuki, but also being the head of the family." Zero growled with his hands clenched in fists.

Kaname sped forward and kicked Zero hard in the stomach, causing the other to hiss in pain and fall on one knee. But the vampire managed to take ahold of Zero's chin, "I don't know why but when I look at seemed...incomplete. But you're pretty tough for a crybaby." He ended with a chuckled, throwing Zero to the side like he's just a doll. Kaname started to walk away from the scene, leaving Yuki there.

"Tell Yuki I will be back, yeah? For now, bring her to bed."

With that, Kaname is gone.
The next morning, Yuki woke up with a bit of dizziness, but noticed that she was in her own room. The sun shined brightly on her face, blinding her slightly. Her brown eyes looked all around her room slowly, taking in the usual neat appearance. What caught her eye was Zero, who was sleeping on the floor by the door of her room, holding the piece of wood from before. In his hand.

By what he did last night, Zero somehow became even more fascinating to her. As she looked upon his sleeping face, her heart never stopped beating nor did the butterflies in her stomach stiop fluttering. It was the same weird feeling she felt for Kaname when they were a bit younger. That was when she realized it and started to immediately cry silently at the betrayal she just did. She just committed adultery since she's still Kaname's girlfriend.

By falling in love with Zero.

"Don't tell me you still have water left to spill." A young but raspy voice spoke out. Yuki gasped quietly but sharply, wiping her face before looking at the source, Zero. "Oh...sorry about that. I didn't mean to.'re right. I should've been better for my father. But I assure you that neither me nor Kaname, I think, had anything to do with his murder. I swear on my life." Zero grunted and looked away.

But not for long, he soon looked back at her. "Yuki...what is love? How does it feel?" He asked her suddenly. The girl was taken aback by his question and could only shrug her shoulders in response. Zero frowned and looked away again, but saying this. "Did you remember what I told you last night? Before I knocked you out?" Yuki nodded her head.

"Yes...come here for a second." She said, beckoning him to come with her hand. Curious, Zero followed and once he got close to her, she pulled him onto of her. Wrapping her arms around his neck. Zero's eyes widened slightly, surprised, excited and really nervous at the same time. She leaned close to her his, eyes slanted while her pupils were dilated.

She looked in his eyes before slowly looking down at his lips, "You were in love with me. Zero, I am in love with you too." With that, she committed the final act and officially crossed the line.

Yuki closed the gape and locked her lips with Zero's in a deep kiss.

Something dropped to the floor and a voice bellowed out furiously.


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