Chapter 12: Ichiru

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When people think of the word 'lover,' they mostly associated this with the area of romance. But to Ichiru, he is using it in terms of platonic love or a type of connection that cannot be properly explained. If you ever have a conversation with him about something like that, then hear him out when he says something like this.

He is Zero's lover.

No, there is no incest involve unlike whatever alien Yuki got going on. Just no. What he means by that is he's the only one who sticks by Zero through nearly everything. When his twin is alone and upset, Ichiru is willing to take that pain and placed it upon his burdened shoulders. Their connection is beyond that of the typical twin connection most people would say humans like them have.

Ichiru is Zero's number one fan, but that didn't mean that he would ignore certain things that deserve attention. He remembers a time when they were young. Where Zero said something that absolutely broke his heart. " would you feel if I ended my own life?" Why would Zero thrown this on him all of a sudden? Ichiru immediately thought that Zero was planning to commit suicide. So the only thing he could do is throw himself onto his brother and held him in his arms.

Zero was confused but then smiled softly when he felt tears on his chest. "Shhh, don't cry. Why are you crying? I hope you didn't really think that I would actually do this. I love you, Ichiru. I would never leave my brother. You're mine...though I wish you would get yourself some friends to talk to. Like I have." Ichiru, in shock, could only process two phrases that Zero had said.

His brother loves him.

He is Zero's.

Ichiru listened to Zero in regards to friends, to an extent. The only friends he got after his brother was a cat named Tatiana and a boy from his class named Lance. On days with no homework and that Ichiru felt well, the two boys would play with one another and have long, meaningful talks. Zero would look on with a smile. But made sure to do it secretly, he had been caught a few times and found himself having to beg Ichiru for forgiveness. Ichiru knew that he could be a bit...possessive, over his brother and wouldn't like Zero to show happiness without him.

Probably because there weren't any more boundaries set between them.

Which was the only mistake that had been made.

The younger Kiryu and Lance were only friends for two months. Why? Well, there was this one conversation that transpired, and it made Ichiru upset to no end. This time, Zero was there to bear witness to the dark side of his beloved brother. Lance started off saying, "Ichiru, I...noticed something that's weird. Between you and your brother. May I ask you something?" Purple eyes turned sharp and cold, glaring at the other boy. But Ichiru gestured him to ask nonetheless. Well, that was a mistake that Lance innocently made.

"Are you in love with your brother? It's like you revolved your whole world around him. Whenever it was time for me to go and he's there, you would run and launch yourself at him then..." Lance yelped while Zero's eyes widened as big as the Milky Way itself when the friend was roughly pushed down on the grass. Pinned there in Ichiru's mercy.

Zero dashed over and took his growling brother off the poor boy. "I..ugh, stop it Ichiru! I'm sorry Lance, and don't worry. He's not in love with me, at least, I hope so. I know I'm not. Argh! Ichiru, STOP!" Lance nodded his head but immediately froze up when Zero used his booming, command voice. Ichiru did that too, but soon went limp and silent in shame. Zero never raised his voice at him, or anyone for the matter. The older twin waved goodbye to Lance as he carried Ichiru back home. As Ichiru was being carried away, he could only think of this.

He will always love Zero(in a special but non-romantic way).

But Zero may not always love him. Or at all.

Sorry for the long wait! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Parallel (Vampire Knight story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora