Chapter 2: Death in the family

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Twelve years later...

Why is it always that the sky seemed blue while he felt gloomy? Isn't the bright sky suppose to cheer him up? Ichiru would ask himself whenever he's alone. He could hear his mother praising Zero once again, on a job well done for a mission he was assigned by the association. Dad would say a few things too, but not much. Ichiru wished that his parents would look at him the way they looked at Zero. Praise him the way they praise Zero.

Love him the way they loved Zero.

The boy hadn't noticed his brother already inside the room until he was pulled into a strong but thin pair of arms. It shocked him a bit, making Ichiru turn his head to stare blankly at Zero, " scared me, Zero." The older one frowned apologetically, leaning his head over to press a slight lingering kiss on his brother's cheek. "My bad, I apologize." Zero shuffled around the bed until he was sitting in front of the younger one. Ichiru went back to stare outside one of his bedroom windows, looking straight at the empty, blue sky.

"You know...I'm proud of you, Zero." Ichiru whispered out slowly. Zero shook his head, believing that there's nothing to be proud of. Ichiru caught that and smiled gently. "It's true. You're heathy, strong and brave. Exactly what a Hunter should be. Our family has to have at least one successor. Seems like it's you..." Zero's heart clenched tightly in his chest, soon, he leaped forward and tackled Ichiru in a hug. Causing the other to bang his head against the head board of his bed.

Ichiru winced a bit, " hurt me." The other quickly panicked, pulling himself away and examining his bro all over for any injuries. To be honest, it kind of made Zero look adorable. Worrying and fussing over Ichiru like that. "It's okay...not that bad Zero, I promise." Ichiru assured him. Taking Zero in his arms and laying them both down on the warm bed. Zero reached one of his hands out, cupping one of the other's cheeks. He then moves closer and leans their foreheads together.

"I'm sorry..I...I took it from you." Zero rasped out, holding back tears. Ichiru moves one of his hands in Zero's back to place it on the back of his head. "It's okay...It's okay...don't cry. Come now, since you don't seem to have anything else to do, let's take a nap. Yeah?" Zero nodded his head until he remembered something important. "Wait! You haven't taken your medicine yet, Ichiru!" The boy now below him chuckled and shook his head this time. "No.
You made me feel better.  By just being here, letting me be able to listen to your heart beat. For now, just hold me and stop worrying as we take out nap." It took Zero a minute but he finally relented and soon, the two feel fast asleep in each other's arms.

Thirty minutes later, the door creaked open. Slender hands gently took ahold of the blankets and moved them up to cover the boys. Kissing their foreheads before leaving, closing the door behind them.

"Love you boys."
A total of two hours have gone by, Ichiru stirred a little in Zero's firm but non active arms. Soon, his eyes slowly opened to reveal bright purple eyes that could shine through the darkness of the house. The boy managed to set himself free and got out of bed to get some water. His feet slowly went down the stairs, not wanting to wake up or disturb anyone. Once they hit the hardwood floor, did he heard that conversation.

That ignited that flame. Sealed some fates.

"Darling, you've seen Zero when you accompany him on some of the missions! He's astounding. But like I said many times...something is holding him back." Ichiru recognizes that voice as mom, his biggest critique. The next that spoke up, rather upset sounding, was the 'good cop' of the family, his dad.

He could hear his father protest, "Yeah I know! About Zero's skill and what or rather who you're going to say is holding him back. Ichiru. I get it that you're upset that the miracle didn't come in full when it comes to strength and greatness. But you have to just let it and love that child squid not just as much as the older one!" Ichiru soon felt weak with all of this confusion, anger and...sadness.

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