xix. 𝚌𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚊

Start from the beginning

Locking the car, she began to walk inside of the Triskelion. She flashed her badge to the security, people still reeling in shock when they would read her last name. She made it to the elevator, her heels making the loudest sounds in the quiet lobby.

"Director's floor," Evelyn said to the automated floor system.

"Access denied."

"Override. Evelyn V. Stark."

"Access granted. Welcome, Ms. Stark."

Evelyn smirked as she leaned on the glass behind her. She crossed her arms over her chest, looking behind her as the elevator began to rise. She remembered a time where music played in the elevator.

When it dinged open, Evelyn came face-to-face with someone she thought she would never see again.

Steven Grant Rogers, clad in his Captain America suit with the shield strapped to his back, stepped inside of the elevator as if he had no idea who she was. Evelyn realized she had on sunglasses—a habit she picked up from Tony. Evelyn felt sick all over again. Surely, this had to be a joke.

"Are you getting out, ma'am?" his voice sent shivers down her spine. She felt like she was trapped in 1945 again.

"Steve," Evelyn whimpered out, finally pulling off the glasses as his whole body froze at her voice.

He turned ever so slowly, eyes widening as his gaze swept up her body once until their eyes locked. "Evelyn?" he whispered back, his voice cracking.

Evelyn released a sob, jumping into his arms. Steve's arms shook as they wrapped around Evelyn's body. She was now openly crying onto his shoulder as he did the same. Steve could not remember feeling such joy in his life before.

"My God," she cried, "how the hell are you here!?"

Steve refused to let her go, needing to hold her a little longer. "I went into the ice to stop a plane from bombing the U.S. They found my body frozen," he said in her hair.

Evelyn let out an ugly laugh mixed with a cry. "They found my frozen body in the jet I stole to look for B-Buck."

Steve finally let her go, keeping his a hand on her waist as his other hand wiped away the tears flowing freely. "Evelyn," he repeated. "You're actually here."

"I am, Steve," she said softly, hugging him again as a door opened down the hall. "I'm here."

Suddenly, both broke away when they heard, "Oh, shit."

Evelyn backed off of Steve completely as she noticed a red-head staring at them with wide eyes. The woman looked back inside the room she walked out of with a grimace. "Cat's out of the bag, boss."

Evelyn narrowed her eyes, her brain realizing what had just happened. "Steve? How long have you been out of the ice?" she whispered.

Steve caught on as he said, "Almost two years."

"I've been out for a few months," she sneered as Nick Fury came into view.

Steve suddenly stormed out of the elevator toward Fury. "You've known about her for months and didn't tell me!?" he yelled.

"Hey! Watch it," the red-head stated.

"Romanoff. I got it. Go," Fury said as Evelyn walked slowly out of the elevator. Evelyn did not even glance at Romanoff—her angry eyes focused on Fury.

Evelyn's voice was a deadly whisper. "I had finally mourned, Director," she spat. "I finally felt okay. I accepted everyone was dead. Yet you've been keeping him from me this whole time!"

Fury stood silently as Steve added, "How could you do this, sir!?"

Evelyn's voice was quiet as she asked, "Did Tony know?"

Steve's head whipped to stare at her. "You've met Tony?"

"He's my nephew. Of course, I've met him. He never mentioned you! Let me guess, you were one of the Avengers?" Steve nodded, and she let out a scoff. "So, this is what my organization has come to, sir. Led by a man who decides what can be told to his employees."

Evelyn turned and began to stalk off. Steve quickly followed, ready to follow the woman to end of the Earth. He had her back. His best friend.

"I didn't tell you about Steve because you needed time to deal with everything. I planned on telling you soon!" Fury yelled as they continued walking. "I asked Tony not to tell. Don't be mad at him!"

Evelyn and Steve stood in the elevator, watching it close. Evelyn let her head fall into her hands. "I can't believe this," she whispered just as Steve grabbed one of her hands.

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