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It's been about 3 days since y/n last heard from Itadori.

Oh well... that was fun I guess

They look down at their phone and just see their unanswered text from yesterday. Y/n let's out a big sigh.

Oh well

"Hey, stop spacing out, your table seven is waiting for their drinks."

"Oh yeah! Sorry!"

Snap out of it y/n, if he liked you he would've text you by now

Y/n takes four drinks to the table that's been waiting. It's four regulars that come in almost weekly after they get off of work. All of them are single, successful, gorgeous, not to mention terrifying.

"Took you long enough sweetie, something occupying your mind?"

The blonde lady says as soon as y/n reaches the table, she wears this bright red lipstick and almost looks just luxurious as Marilyn Monroe. The women sitting across from her has red hair, for some reason it looks like she has a BDSM kink, she then says

"Or maybe it's someone"

Y/n feels their face get hot

"What! Why would would you say that?"

The women look at eachother and almost in sync they all say

"It's someone"

As if y/n couldn't get any redder, they did. The third woman sitting by the blond has long black hair, she seems a little more ordinary out of the four, except she's udderly breathtaking. She leans forward closer to y/n

"Oooo this is so cute! Our little y/n finally getting a boyfriend!"

The third woman was the most terrifying, she sorta reminded y/n of a sexy Disney villain.

"Com'on Cindy this is 2021 y/n could have a girlfriend too, or both, which is is dear? Don't think we didn't see those bitemarks on your neck the other day."

And I'm dead... R I P y/n

"Um no no boyfriend or girlfriend here, still just myself."

Y/n said with a nervous laugh, also felt a small pang in their chest.

"Oh no,"

The blonde one says and holds y/n's hand, she takes a bill out of her purse and says

"Screw him, go get your hairdone darling."

"Oh no! I wasn't saying anything like that! He's a nice guy I just haven't heard from him!"

"Oh so there is someone!"

The red head says with excitement.

Oh no...

"Well if he doesn't start turning your frown into a smile, he's not worth it darling."

The Disney villain says to y/n while lifting her glass almost as if she's making a toast. Y/n smiles

It feels like I'm a mouse being batted around by cats

"Is there anything else I can get for you ladies?"

"Oh no this will do, you're always such a joy to talk to dear."


Y/n turns and their smile fades

If he doesn't turn your frown into a smile he's not worth it... sigh*... it's gonna be a long shift.

The bar closes around 2 am and y/n is just finishing cleaning up.

"See you tomorrow Tomoe!"

Y/n steps out of the bar and stops in their tracks.


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