The Vessel

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Only about three words came out of his mouth,

"Hey, aren't you-"

Y/n was not going to stick around to find out what would happen next with this man. Y/n started running.

"Hey wait!"

No! What happened that day was a dream, it wasn't real no!

Y/n ran and ran until their lungs were about to give out. They then saw there was a little alley they could hide in just incase that man was still behind them. Y/n was pressed up against the cool brick wall, catching their breath. Y/n looks and sees nothing, no one running after them.

See, I am just imagining things

Y/n sighed in relief and sank down to the ground.

"Are you running from someone?"

Started, y/n looks up and sees this man looking down at them. Y/n jumps up.

Was he behind me this whole time?

"Sorry if I scared you"

His face looked different, welcoming almost. Where are his tattoos, why does he sound different.

"You dropped this, and I think the last thing you would want missing is your wallet."

He smiled while handing over the item. The man looked different, maybe because he was actually clothed, he wore a yellow sweater and jeans that made him look somewhat adorable. Y/n looked at him as if they were disappointed in themselves.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else."

Y/n blurted out, the man paused.

"You're that person from last night, aren't you."

Y/n felt the hair on the back of their neck stand up. Reality, felt like it hit y/n with a truck.

"Wh... what?"


Y/n and the man both jump. Y/n looks behind them, and sees a gorgeous girl with brown shoulder length hair.

She looks... intimidating.

"Itadori, we've been looking everywhere for you! Right now is not the time to be flirting with strangers!"

"I wasn't flirting!"

"Whatever let's go!"

Just when he was about to leave y/n grabbed his jacket.


Itadori stops and sees y/n is looking down at the ground.

"I've been thinking about last night, and I was thinking I was going crazy, today just confirms I'm not crazy, and what happened was real. Please, just-"

"Hey you're fine,"

Itadori lifts up y/n's chin and smiles

"Give me your phone."

Y/n hands over her phone and Itadori starts typing in numbers.

"Look I'll be happy to answer some questions but I'm in a rush right now, we can talk later, ok."

Y/n looks down at their phone

Yuji Itadori...


"I'm coming!"

Itadori starts to leave and turns to y/n, giving them a warm smile and a wave goodbye. Y/n feels their cheeks get warm and waves back. Then, it was like a chill went up y/n's spine.

"We'll be meeting again."

That voice!

Y/n looked up expecting to see the tattooed man again. Except, seeing nothing but Itadori and his friend dissappear into the crowd.

Geez y/n get a grip

Y/n grabs their things and starts to head home.

By now the sun is starting to set, and y/n is on the subway feeling somewhat exhausted.

I didn't even do much today, why do I feel so tired.

For a second Itadori's bight smile came to y/n's mind. Y/n could feel a smile creep up on her face. They then think about that sinister smile on that man's face, when it felt like he was going to kill them.

They're totally different... twins maybe?

The subway arrives to their stop and y/n has only a couple blocks to walk.

I'm gonna text him

Y/n grabs their phone,

Hey... it's the weird person you met downtown today... I just thought I'd give you my number as well... lmk when you're free!


That wasn't so bad. I just hope I'm not overstepping boundaries and that girl wasn't his girlfriend.

Y/n thinks of the girls beauty, then thinks of her practically folding y/n in half.

Yeah let's hope not.

Y/n slides the key into the doorknob and enters in their apartment. They take a deep breath in, and breathe out like they were breathing out all their stress.


Y/n hears one of the floorboards creek.

.... wait... a floorboard creek!

Y/n pauses in shock for a second. A chill goes up their spine.

"I've been waiting for you... y/n."

Sukuna's curseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ