"Theres theres a shooter in the hospital Rory" Eden told him running jer hands through her hair as she spun around the room.
"It will be okay" Rory told her then Eden realised what room they were in and that something was missing or more likely someone was missing.
"This was Henry Coopers room, where where is he, hes the little boy that had his tonsils out yesterday i assisted mark he was going home this evening. Where is he?" Eden shouted.

"You two we are moving all children to the play room" Arizona instructed them.

"Doctor Robbins, Henry Cooper is missing. I dont know where he is" Eden told her as they were both wearing the same scared look.
"He could still be on the ward" Rory said trying to keep them all calm and hopefull but Eden then noticed that behind Arizona was the double door which was swinging open, Arizona then turned following Edens gaze and saw exactly what Eden saw having the same worrying thoughts Eden did but she didnt do the action that Eden did, Eden walked passed Arizona who was just staring at the doors.

"Eden no, theres a shooter" Rory firmly told her but in a whisper not wanting to alarm anyone else.
"And theres a scared little boy out there, all he wants is some ice cream like mark promised him, i need to find him" Eden told Rory as she stood in the double doorway, wearing a determinded look that Rory knew there was no convincing her not too so he walked to her side not allowing her to do this alone.
"What are you doing?" Eden asked sternly.
"Im not letting you find him alone, Mark would shoot me himself." Rory answered.

"We are on lockdown" Arizona told them both.
"We will back, with Henry" Rory told Arizona as he and Eden were gone through the double doors.

They looked in every supply closet, calling his name but they had no hope then came across a scene, a scene neither of them thought they would see in a hospital.

They found 3 dead bodies, one nurse, one secruity gaurd and one intern, seeing this scene took Edens breath away, not belieiving what her eyes were seeing, Rory wrapped his fingers around hers squeezing her hand tight reassuring the both of them then they heard a small cry they looked at each with relief that they had found Henry, they followed the crying to find Henry underneath a geurney in the hall way.

Eden crouched down taking a deep breath calming herself so she didnt scare Henry who was probably already very scared.

"Hey Henry" Eden smiled at the amall boy hiding behind his hands.
"Shall we go find your mummy" Eden suggested as she placed her hands ontop of Henrys as he pulled them away to reveal his face and his tears.

"Come on" Eden smiled helping the little boy out from under the guerney as his hand placed in hers she could feel his little body trembling, she was scared and she understood on a certain level what was going on how can a 7 year old understand why there is dead bodies on the floor of the place that is meant ro help people, she couldnt comprehend.

What Eden didnt know is that Rory could see the shooter in the windows of the patient rooms, he wasnt hurrying Eden he knew she was already scared and he didn't want to make it worse for her or the boy he was keeping an eye on how close the shooter was getting, he was getting closer, Rory could see him now, Eden was now standing up next to him with her arms wrapped around Henry, Rory needed to keep them both safe, he knew he couldnt keep them all safe but he could get his fiance safe and that he was okay with.

"Eden i need you to trust me" Rory firmly spoke standing infront of Eden.
"Of course I trust you" Eden replied.

"Follow me" Rory smiled taking her free hand and taking her to a supply cupboard, he opened the door for Eden and Henry to go in, he stood in the door way and sat down Eden copied pulling Henry down with her.

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