4. Druid Problems and Supernatural Solutions

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Cody was still feeling foggy as she trudged down the hall, making her way towards Mr

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Cody was still feeling foggy as she trudged down the hall, making her way towards Mr. Harris's classroom. She was dreading having to see her least favorite teacher first thing in the morning, but if she wanted to pass chemistry she needed that extra help. The halls were quiet, completely empty and Cody couldn't help feeling a little uneasy. The last time she had seen the halls this empty she had been running from the alpha, who everyone now knew was Peter. She was just about to turn a corner when something caught her eye.

"Derek?" she asked.

He stopped and turned around, raising an eyebrow and wordlessly asking yes?

"What are you doing here?" she asked, trying to keep her eyes firmly locked on his. He was wearing a grey t-shirt that was about a size too small and fit his chest snuggly. She tried not to look at it.

The corner of his mouth turned up into a small smile and Cody's face got hot. She focused on keeping her expression as neutral as possible.

"My entire pack goes to this school," said Derek with a chuckle. "I'm always here."

"Yeah, but it's seven thirty," said Cody. "School doesn't start for another hour and...I'm the only one here." Her heart skipped a beat for a moment as she wondered if he was there to see her. She knew Derek heard it too.

He didn't answer her question. "Then why are you here so early?" he asked.

"Chemistry tutoring," she said, biting at her lip slightly. "I suck at chemistry. I can't keep these equations straight. Plus, Stiles is my partner. So, I have to be the smart one." Derek said nothing, just continued looking at her and Cody babbled on. "I mean, it's not hard to be smarter than Stiles. He's a dumbass." Derek cracked a smile at this.

"I gotta go," he said, turning on his heel to head to the door.

"So you're really not going to tell me what you're doing here?" Cody called after him.

He looked over his shoulder and raised that eyebrow at her again. "See you later."

And he was gone, down the hallway and out of sight. Cody stood there for a moment, the morning fog in her brain trying to come up with a reason he could be at the school this early, other than to see her. She tried to ignore the feeling of disappointment rising in her chest at the fact that he obviously wasn't there for her.


Cody laced up her sneakers as she waited for cross country to start. She caught sight of Stiles out of the corner of her eye and made her way over, happy to have a friend to run with. She bumped his shoulder in greeting and he bumped back.

"I hate cross country," Stiles complained as he stretched out his leg.

Cody grunted in acknowledgement, her mind not really present.

Stiles stood up from his stretches. He said her name and when that didn't get her attention he waved a hand in front of her face. "Hello? Earth to Tiny Terror."

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