5. In a Land of Monsters

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"No, I'm not one hundred percent sure, but I'm like pretty sure?"

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"No, I'm not one hundred percent sure, but I'm like pretty sure?"

"Pretty sure?"

"Like really pretty sure."

She heard Derek and Stiles before she saw them.

Cody cracked one eye open and let out a groan of pain when she tried to move and Derek and Stiles stopped their bickering after hearing her.

"Why are you two being so loud?" she asked grumpily. "My head hurts."

With one hand on her forehead, she tried to push herself off the couch, only for two hands, one Derek's and one Stiles', to push her back down.

"You lost a lot of blood," said Derek.

Cody let out an irritated breath. "No shit. I got stabbed."

Derek's face was stoic. "We bandaged up the wounds. You should be fine in a day or two."

"A day or two?" asked Stiles. "She got stabbed. She's not a werewolf, she won't magically heel."

"Okay," snapped Derek. "Maybe three days."

Shakily, Cody sat up, and this time the boys let her. She rubbed at her temple and looked over to Stiles. "You tell him about what Deaton said?"

Stiles nodded.

"I've never heard of a 'darach,'" said Derek.

"Well, just because you haven't heard of it doesn't mean it doesn't exist," Stiles shot back. "I think Deaton probably knows more about this than you do, Derek."

Derek sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, obviously irritated. "I didn't say it wasn't real, I just said I had never heard of it."

"Yeah, because you're the expert on all magical beings," snapped Stiles.

"Can you both shut up?"

All three heads snapped over to Cora, who was sitting sulkily in the corner.

"I agree with Cora," Cody grumbled. She continued rubbing at her head, feeling the pressure grow.

Derek crossed his arms over his chest. "Well, whatever this darach is, it's not the main priority right now."

"Not a priority?" yelled Stiles, his arms waving. "Cody got stabbed, this darach thing is murdering people! How is that not a priority? It sounds like a priority to me!"

"It's not our priority," said Derek. "Let the police take care of it."

"My dad is the police," said Stiles. "I can't let him investigate this and think it's just a regular person committing these murders."

"So, what?" asked Cody. "You want to tell your dad about...everything? That sounds like a really bad idea."

"No, I don't want to..." Stiles trailed off and it was quiet for a moment.

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