I love you... kinda

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Kenma POV

"Okay, Kenma you got this. Just talk to her she said she feels bad so just tell her how you feel and apologize," I say to myself walking over to the water fountain as the last game ends. "There she is Kenma just talk to her" I ramble out loud. "Oh, hey Kenma," Y/N says. "O-oh hey Y/N, how are you doing?" I say definitely not smoothly. "Listen Kenma I'm just going to cut to the chase," She says extremely bluntly. "Oh um okay," I say nervously. "I'm terribly sorry I didn't mean to blow up at you and I was being an idiot I should have kept promise my to spend time with you," She says fumbling with her fingers. Crap what should I say if I say sorry maybe she will start yelling I don't know why she would but then again it's Y/N. "No, Y/N I'm sorry. I knew you had work and that you would be tired after that. And I got jealous because you were hanging out with Shoyo more than me during that time." I say looking down at my feet. "No. Kenma. Let me apologize" She tells me. I stand there in silence shocked. I notice her face is red, I should probably let her talk. "I should have known that you were upset. I did promise that I would hang out with you on my off days but I never did. And once I saw you sad just sitting there in your bed, I got mad at myself and took it out on you. I made myself think that it was your fault. When really I was just being ignorant. I'm sorry."


After I tell Kenma how I actually felt, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. Hot streams start to run down my face and there are wet spots on my shirt. I can't hold it in and start to cry out almost collapsing on the had wood floor. "Pudding..." I stutter between gasps trying to breathe without running out of air. I continue to cry with Kenma, we were lucky no one was in the room at the time. "I'm sorry,"  we both whisper.

"Do you think they made up?" Kuroo whispers to Lev and Yamamoto. "Uh bro you literally see them right there. Yamamoto says to him pointing at you and Kenma sleeping together (no not in that way you nasties 😁🔪). "So it's a yes?" Kuroo asks. "Yes dumbass!" Lev whispers scream. "What the hell!?" I whisper scream. "Kenma is sleeping could y'all not sound like a speaker on full blast!". "Uh sorry Y/N," They all say. I snuggle up back under Kenma. "Hmm, I Love you," he says quietly. "kinda..." he teases. "Hey~ that's not nice," I say. "Goodnight,"

~The End~

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