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(From now on I'm going to focus more on relationship building than the game in between like I used to do in the past. Anyway, the book is almost done. this is in a 3rd person POV)

After the games for that day, the Nekoma team went to take their showers and went to bed. "Tora gets up," Kuroo says tapping the boy. "ahh, no," Yamamoto says. "So, you don't want to help me? okay then,"  Kuroo says walking away. "Wait no," The mohawk boy says getting up.

"Where's Kenma's bag?' Kuroo says, walking around the room, stepping over the sleeping body. "Over here," Taketora says. Kuroo walks over and starts rummaging through the bag, looking for Kozume's phone. "aha, found it," Kuroo says holding up the phone. "Now, we need Y/N's phone," Yamamoto states. "How are we gonna do that!?" Kuroo whispers screams.

They sneak into the room where the managers are staying. They look around for Y/N's bag when they are met with a surprise slap in the face. "G-Get away you monster!" Yachi whispers screams. "Oh, your Karasuno's new manager," Kuroo replies rubbing his face. "Huh!? Who are you!?" The girl says stepping back. "Oh, I'm Kuroo, Nekoma's Captain,", "And I'm Yamamoto, Nekoma's Ace," They say. "Okay- why are you in here?" She says calming down. They tell her the whole story, I mean the WHOLE story. Starting from when Y/N first came to the club. Yachi even shed a tear. "So, yeah that's why we are doing this," Kuroo finishes. "That was really long," Yachi says with a blank face. "Okay, do you need help with anything," Yachi says. "Wait, you're helping us?" Yamamoto questions. "Well, yea. Y/N is my friend and she seemed off today. And, I want to help," Yachi says tilting her head down and smiling. "Well, do you know where her bag is?" Kuroo asks. "Uhhh, that sounds pervy. Are you sure this is for her relationship with Kozume?" she tells. "Well, we were going to look through her chat with Kenma so-" Taketore says. "Oh! It's in the corner," Yachi says pointing.

"Ah, here's her phone," Kuroo says holding the phone. "Damn, it has a password," Yachi says slumping (Sorry, we aren't using the "Fanon" Yachi here). "Yachi, do you know anything that might be her password," Kuroo asks. "Well, I saw her type in K-E-N-M-A, several of weeks ago. But, that was while she was dating Kozume," she says. "Try that, she might not have changed it, "The mohawk-haired says pointing at the phone. Kuroo types in K-E-N-M-A. It unlocks. He goes to messages and hits the chat between her and Kenma. They read:


Hey, I've been trying to call you

Call me when you get the chance

Read July, 20

"He wasn't replying that's it?" Taketora says. "There has to be more to it, this is just a chat. Not real life," Yachi points out. "Okay, so tomorrow morning we will question them both," Kuroo announces. "Yachi you question Y/N, don't let her know though. Yamamoto and I will interrogate Kenma. Got it?" Kuroo says. "Well, Y/N is pretty smart what if she figures me out," The blonde-haired girl panics. "Listen, you got this Yachi. You want Y/N to be better right?" "mmhm" "Then, you got this. You are all we got, K?" Kuroo finishes "Okay! I got this,"

"Goodnight, remember what you need to do," Kuroo says walking out the door. 'Okay, Yachi. Just go to sleep and do what you need to do,' Yachi says in her head. 


"mmm, huh?" Yachi says waking up in the morning. "boo" "AHH!" Y/N scares Yachi awake. "Don't do that Y/N, you know I get scared easily," The blonde-haired girl says pouting. "That's the point, silly," Y/N says sticking out her tongue. "Good morning Y/N, Yachi," Kiyoko says walking by. "I'm going to go see if everyone else is up," Kiyoko says to both of the girls. "So, how're things going with you and Kozume?" Yachi asks. "Who told you I was dating Kenma?" Y/N says. 'Sh*t, I forgot that Kuroo told me that. But, I can't tell her that or she'll get mad a Kuroo' Yachi in her head "Oh, I didn't mean it like that! You guys are dating?" Yachi tries to play it off. "Oh, I guess so. We did kind of get into a fight," Y/N says. "Oh, If you don't mind me asking. Why did you guys get in a fight?" Yachi asks being timid as always. "Oh, I had to go work for some guy as a punishment for going on a date with HIM. And he mad at ME for being gone all week," Y/N say being mad. "Oh, did you really not have any time for him?" Yachi says looking at the floor "Whose side are you on?

"Yours, I guess"

FINISHED 2~6 OR 6~2        4:40 PM OR 16:40                                                                                                                                

NOTE: SORRYYYYYYYYYY. I'VE BEEN GONE A WHILE. AND THEN SO MANY PEOPLE STARTED READING THIS TRASH. anyway, thank you for sticking with me and shit. Bye kenma simps

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