This couldn't have gone any worse.

It was less than five minutes before two ambulances arrived, good thing too, Hanako's breathing had almost stopped twice. There had been multiple protests from the four as they weren't allowed to go with the two.

"But please! I've known Kacchan for my whol-"

"Kid, I don't want to come off as rude, but both of them are in serious condition as of right now. I know you're just trying to be nice, but you need to go home and rest too, you and your friends." The paramedic explained before walking off.

The four were now left in an alleyway as night turned into day, as their tears dried, and their souls became solemn. One had died last nightfall, and it was only thanks to the person that killed them that they survived.

Maybe they did hold remorse.

Or maybe, dying was an easy way of dealing with problems and guilt, but living meant that she had to face her guilts and her problems.

Her problems being them.

She would face them once again.


The intensive care unit was rather busy on this morning, it would make sense, half of Kamino ward was destroyed, of course there's going to be injuries. The intensive care unit of this specific hospital had rooms with two beds in each, there had to be room for equipment and the beds themselves.

There was a rather large window which was allowing a soft light in, the light also heating up the blankets on the beds, slowly but surely that is. There were four people in the room at the time, those four being Hanako, Bakugo, and Bakugo's parents.

Bakugo's ash blond hair was still covered in blood, albeit dried now. His hands had been cleaned of the substance, though according to the nurses, they didn't want to clean his hair as it may aggravate any wounds on his head; which there were quite a few of. He had a nasal cannula (oxygen tube) that was resting just below his nose, and along with that he had an IV that was supplying some pretty severe medication as he would most definitely need it.

For the most part, Hanako's chest was wrapped up fully for the most part, though there were still wires that were supplying blood, nutrients, medication, and a multitude of other things scattered around her body. Unlike Bakugo, she had an oxygen mask, for what reason, that was unknown.

Both were pale, their skin looking as though it hadn't seen the sun in months; it had.

Mitsuki, Katsuki's mother, and Masaru, his father, were sat at Katsuki's side, to the left. The chairs they were sat at were the basic fabric kind, not too comfortable, but doable. Masaru was holding his son's hand, whilst Mitsuki was running her hands through her son's hair; which wasn't as soft as per usual.

Katsuki took in a deep breath. His eyes felt heavy and his body ached, it had never ached this much, at least not that he could recall of. On top of this, he felt kind of floaty, like one does whilst being underwater. He opened his eyes, his vision blurred, whether it be from slight tears or medication he didn't know.

The ceiling was plain white, and there were lights too, albeit turned off. The room smelt of cleaning chemicals and lemon, probably what the scent of the cleaning chemicals was. His mouth was dry, and tasted slightly of blood, most likely because he felt the faint pain of his tongue; he probably bit it. He could head two faint beeps, out of time with each other, most likely heartrate monitors.

Unseen Realities (Bakugo Katsuki x Oc)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now