Ask #4

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@ShadowGod611 Okay hmmm, Megatron since your enemies with all Autobots aren't you enemies with break storm because they are a Autobots so yeah.

Breakstorm: *Sitting on the med-berth on the warship as Knockout patches up a gaping hole in his side from a missile and his a little more then mad about it*

Knockout: *growling lowly* That damn seeker what right does he have to hurt not only lord Megatron's mate but also my brother-in-law!

Breakstorm: *mumbles something about stupid heat seeking missiles* Knockout I'm fine!

Knockout: *glares* Your only saying that because your a wrecker!

Breakstorm: *rolls optics* I've had worse!

Knockout: *blinks* What could have possibly been worse then this!

Breakstorm: *hums* I've had both my arms and legs ripped off!

Knockout: *wide optic* What the- HOW THE FRAG ARE YOU EVEN ALIVE!!!!!

Breakstorm: *shrugs* My Carrier's Ratchet!

Knockout: *shocked* What!?

Breakstorm: *nods* Yep so do you really think he'd let one of his sons offline just like that!

Knockout: *frozen and speechless as he realises his mates Carrier is also the grumpy old medic*

Breakstorm: *bored of waiting for his brother-in-law to speak and pulls out his data-pad reading the ask* Hmm I'll see you later Knockout! *jumps off the medical berth and leaves the med-bay*

5 Minutes Later

Breakstorm: *Walks into the throne room and his optics widen* What the-

Megatron&Breakdown: *throwing Starscream around like a lobbing ball as he screams while being thrown back and forth like a lobbing ball* 

Starscream: *gets punched in the faceplates* STOP!!!

Megatron: *growls loudly* YOU TRIED TO OFFLINE MY MATE STARSCREAM!!!!

Starscream: *groans* I'll never understand why you fell for a filthy Autobot! 

Breakdown: *growls and flings Starscream into the ceiling* THAT'S MY BROTHER YOUR TALKING ABOUT FRAGGER!!!!!!

Starscream: *screeches as he hits the ceiling before falling back onto the ground with a pained yelp and grunt* If his your brother why did he become an Autobot!

Breakdown: *glares* Because he wanted to stay with our Carrier!

Starscream: *scoffs* And who may I ask is your Carrier Breakdown!

Breakdown: *snarls at him* Our Carrier's the Autobot medic!

Starscream: *optics widen* RATCHET THAT GRUMPY MEDIC IS YOUR CARRIER!!!!!

Megatron: *has had enough and steps on Starscream pressing him into the ground with a growl*

Starscream: *gets pressed into the ground and has fear in his optics* Lord Megatron what are you doing!? 

Megatron: *glares pressing his pede harder onto the seekers frame* I am making sure you get firmly PUNISHED for attacking my mate!

Starscream: *grunts in pain* We were on the battle field my Lord i-it was fair game!

Megatron: *grits denta* My mate is never fair game! Here on this ship you will respect my mate *snarls and picks Starscream up by his throat* On the battle field nobot attacks my mate am I CLEAR Starscream!

Starscream: *whimpers in fear and quickly nods* Y-Yes my L-Lord!

Megatron: *huffs and throws him on the ground infront of Breakdown* Take him to the torture chamber and deal with him anyway you see fit!

Breakdown: *smirks* With pleasure my Lord~ *grabs a fearful Starscream and drags him off*

Starscream: *struggles scared* NOOOOOOOOOO!!! *door closes*

Breakstorm: *blinks as he looks at the door* Well that was...interesting *looks at his mate* You have an ask by the way love!

Megatron: *hums with a small smile as he walks over and hugs his mate* Really now~ What is it?

Breakstorm: *hums contently in his mates arms* Your ask is that since the Autobots are your enemies then aren't I also your enemy since I myself am an Autobot?

Megatron: *blinks* That was indeed the case at first though Breakdown mentioned he had a brother that was an Autobot It didn't take me long to realise it was you the similar names was a big clue itself *sighs* but after that cave in...

Breakstorm: *smiles softly* You saved me by bringing me here and letting Knockout and Breakdown heal me and though he wont admit Carrier was very thankful for that

Megatron: *hums* Yes well...*clears voice box* When I entered the med-bay to check on you I was immediately enchanted by your recharging form on the medical berth...You looked so peaceful 

Breakstorm: *blushes* So you've been staring at me recharge from day 1 huh?....Good to know that hasn't changed!

Megatron: *optics widen* You know about me staring at you while your recharging!

Breakstorm: *pulls away from his mate* I have to go back to the med-bay now! *turns ignoring what he said*

Megatron: *narrows optics* Breakstorm

Breakstorm: *hears the warning in his voice and bolts for it* SEE YOU LATER MEGSIE!~~

Megatron: *growls slightly* BREAKSTORM GET BACK HERE AND ANSWER ME!!!!

Outside Med-bay

*Loud Crash*

Knockout: *growling in the med-bay* BREAKDOWN I NEED A REALLY LONG WORD WITH YOU!!!!

Breakdown: *just entered the med-bay* Scrap!

Breakstorm: *hears and immediately runs the other direction* I'm not dealing with this today! *teleports back to base*

Autobot Base

Breakstorm: *appears in base and looks around before sighing relief at not seeing his Carrier*

Ratchet: *barges into the room after sensing Breakstorm's return and glares at him growling* BREAKSTORM I NEED A REALLY LONG WORD WITH YOU!!!!

Breakstorm: *slumps* Scrap!

Everybot: *hear and immediately run out of the base* NOT TODAY!!!

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