Ask #3

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@ShadowGod611 I have a ask but you don't have to do it. Megaton, do you want sparkling's?

Breakstorm: *curled up on his side in between Megatron's legs on his throne snuggling into his chassis with a content smile and happy sigh*

Megatron: *chuckles* You look comfortable

Breakstorm: *purrs softly* I am...I really am!

Megatron: *chuckles more and starts stroking his mates helm*

Breakstorm: *purrs more as he slowly pulls out his data-pad after it vibrated looking at the screen he blushes slightly at the ask and shyly glances at Megatron*

Megatron: *raises optic ridge at the sudden shyness of his mate* Are you alright my dear?

Breakstorm: *hums with a small nod* Y-Yea I'm fine!...But uh...You have an ask Megsie!

Megatron: *hums* Hmm really now...What is it!?

Breakstorm: *blushes more* Uh well....Your ask is if....You.....Want sparkling's

Megatron: *stares down at his blushing mate and smirks* Hmm your blushing quite a bit my dear mate~

Breakstorm: *blushes more* Well~ It's uh~

Megatron: *chuckles* You don't have to say anything Stormy~

Breakstorm: *sighs in relief* But uh....Do you want sparkling's Megsie?

Megatron: *thinks as he looks into his mates optics before giving a soft smile* Indeed I do~ *nuzzles his mates helm while giving a deep rumbling purr* As long as it's with you and it's what you want~

Breakstorm: *smiles softly still with a blush* Yes I-It is what I want my love~

Megatron: *purr gets deeper as he nips his mates right audio receptor* Then how about we start now~

Breakstorm: *blushes madly* M-Megatron! N-Not now w-we're in the t-throne room!

Megatron: *smirks* So in my berthroom then~

Breakstorm: *squeaks* N-No! M-Megsie I'm not ready too be a Carrier yet!

Megatron: *purrs as he licks his dermas* Well...I'm more then ready to be a Sire~

Breakstorm: *whimpers as he buries his face into his mates chassis in embarrassment and more*

Megatron: *chuckles and purrs deeply into his mates audio receptor* But I will wait for you my sweetspark~

Breakstorm: *sighs and relaxes smiling again he purrs lovingly nuzzling under his mates helm* Thank you my love~

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