22: Why Is She Here?

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"I'll only go to dinner with you if I get dessert as well," I teased with a slight chuckle. 

She giggled and pushed my shoulders playfully. "Why are you so horny tonight, Baby L? Go take a cold shower." 

"Only if you join me to save water." 

Her cheeks flushed but she shrugged her shoulders. "We'll see if you get dessert or not. You have to be a good girl and stop being mean to Jisoo." 

She was literally asking me to stop doing something that came so naturally. I didn't trust Jisoo whatsoever, but I guess I had to trust Jennie. "Okay, I'll be a good girl," I mumbled.
Jennie gave me a satisfied smile before leaning in to give me a sweet kiss. Once again, my hands met her hips and I pulled her closer to me. The kiss started off simple, but I made sure I prolonged it as long as I could. I wanted Jisoo to see and get sick to her stomach. I don't care how many Shakespeare monologues her and Jennie recited together, Jennie loved me, and I loved her. 



The days until the first performance of the play was shriveling down in a hurry. Each day that went by, I felt a little more nervous. I knew my lines like the back of my hand, but what if I forgot them at the last minute? What if I miss my cues? What if I sing a really bad note or trip while doing part of the choreography?  These questions taunted me and made me feel insecure about my ability to perform even though I've performed countless of times in front of people. I guess I was so nervous because this time I was going to perform in front of well-known critics, movie and Broadway stars and students that bought tickets. 

There was a lot of pressure on me to perform to the best of my ability since so much time and money had gone into the production. This production was supposed to be the school's most anticipated and expensive one yet. Not only was I under pressure but so was everyone else affiliated with the project. The directors and producers expected nothing less than perfect since their jobs were on the line as well. Any time someone messed up the slightest line, they'd be yelled at and we had to take things back from the top. The beginning of me accepting the role was blissful and like a dream come true, but with the final days approaching, it was exhausting and nerve-wrecking. 

One person who made me feel better about everything, although, was Jisoo. No matter how bitchy everyone else was being on set, she always had a smile on her face. She was always giving out compliments to everyone, even those who had messed up. She was like our personal mascot—if anything—that worked to keep the vibes on set less tense as possible. No matter how ridiculous I felt wearing my costumes, she always told me that I looked beautiful; and whenever I fucked up my lines, she made sure to let me know that even the best actors mess up sometimes.  I was appreciative of her and how she made me feel at ease. She was truly an amazing friend and I was glad that I had got to meet her. 

"What are you doing tonight? You want to grab something to eat?", Jisoo asked me after rehearsals. We were basically the last ones still around as usual. The rest of my friends jetted out as soon as we were dismissed. 

"I'm actually going to dinner with Lisa, but you're more than welcome to come." I knew Lisa didn't like Jisoo but I didn't see why. She was the nicest person I had ever met and she actually loved Lisa. Even if I knew Lisa wouldn't be happy about Jisoo tagging along, I thought it would be a good idea for the two to get to know each other tonight. 

"I don't want to be a third wheel." 

"No, seriously. Please, I want you to come." 

I texted Lisa to meet me at the same place we ate at when we first went to eat with each other. When I arrived with Jisoo she was already sitting down at a booth. From the look on her face, I could tell she was confused on why Jisoo was with me. Lisa got up when I approached the table and gave me a quick kiss. "What is she doing here?", she mumbled to me as Jisoo sat down. 

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