1. Senior Year

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I dragged myself out of bed this morning after hitting the snooze on my alarm twice. As much as I'm dreading the start of senior year, I decided to wear something nice. I showered, used my heating comb to dry my long hair, and picked out a yellow sundress. It fit me perfectly. I was busty but because of training with the pack all year long, I was trim. I loved this dress.

Maybe Lana, my wolf, would start talking to me again since I actually gave a shit today. It's been too long. She went quiet the day Luke, my ex boyfriend, found his mate on his 18th birthday back in July. It's been over a month without her. The summer had been lonely without her and Luke. I had a few friends in the pack to hang out with but a majority of my friends from school were my classmates. Classmates that had no idea I was a shapeshifter.

In a few days I will turn 18 and be able to sniff out my mate. Although the options were dwindling. Unmated males over 18 lived in a separate apartment building known as "The Bachelor Pad" and didn't work jobs that would put them in contact with unmated she-wolves daily. My hope was that my mate was living in The Bachelor Pad apartments. My wolf and I would continue to become distant and I might even go off into the world like a normal young woman, leaving my pack life behind.

"Tessa! You're gonna be late!" Mom was cheerful, reminding me of Molly Weasley from Harry Potter. She had shoulder length bright red hair and creamy white skin; she didn't look a day over 30. My dad had marbled looking skin from being in battle and tortured when caught. He hid away and rarely saw anyone but my mom. I know it's been hard for him so I don't bother my mom about him.

"What a beauty! Stand by the door so I can take a picture for your dad." She held up her phone and took a few photos before starting to cry. "My baby is all grown up. It was just yesterday that you were a pup. Oh my goddess, time flies!"

"Mom, stop. It's just another year of school. I'll probably end up like one of those loser wolves that goes off to college because no one wants them." I mumbled.

"No time for a pity party. And college is a great experience!" How would she know? She met my dad a few days before her birthday. He sniffed her out but waited until she turned 18 to make it official. "And who knows, maybe you'll meet your mate on Friday! You'll be old enough for it. We can throw a party..."

I put my hands up and grabbed an apple to go, "Mom, please. Let's be realistic here. I'll have more luck at the shapeshifters club in town then I will sitting around here with my already mated friends."

She sighed and nodded her head. "Whatever you want dear. We're always here for you."

Not wanting to upset my mother even more I didn't make the comment that my father hadn't been there for me. I opened the door to the packhouse den and went out to the last home in our compound where all the kids who didn't have their own cars, were picked up by the school bus.

Steph and Mark were waiting for me in the back of the bus. My two human friends had no idea that I was a wolf. They assumed the house where the bus picked me up was my house, or one of the handful next to it in a small development.

"YAY! FINALLY BITCH!" Steph had a way with words that made me cringe but she was one of the only humans that befriended me while the rest of the class found it odd that I was almost a full year older. Rumors spread that I got held back for whatever reason, but it was honestly because my parents met with the school's human principal and guidance counselor before school started. My birthday was on the cut-off date for classes and rather than being the youngest in my group, they suggested I'd thrive as the oldest and more mature student by starting first grade the following year. Stupid human rules.

"Yep. Hoorah. Seniors." I sat down next to Mark who was sketching and not paying attention to Steph.

"See Mark gets me." He had the same issue I did and both of us felt like we were missing out. Like we lost a year.

"Mark is a party pooper and so are you. This year is gonna be awesome since we run the school as seniors." Her light brown hair bounced flawlessly, not a hair out of place, when she jumped up and down in her seat. "BONUS! You both have birthdays this week! So what are we doing to celebrate?!" Her doe eyes were so big and hopeful but I had to let her down. No way was she coming to the packhouse or the shapeshifters night club.

"My parents don't want to make a big deal out of it so we are just doing a special dinner, the three of us, at home."

"Your dad will be there?" Steph knew about my dad not being around, she just didn't know the details.

"Yep. So you can see why I can't do anything..."

"But there is an entire weekend! We could go to the mall or movies. Make Mark hold our bags for us." Steph was evil in her schemes. I know Mark has a crush on her but she seems oblivious and enjoys putting him through the ringer. Maybe if he stopped doing everything she asked of him and acted more alpha like, she would see him as boyfriend material.

"Sure. Whatever you want to do." Mark's nose was in his sketchbook as we pulled up to school.

"Mark, it's our birthday weekend not hers." I hit his shoulder. "What do you want to do?"

He blushed and closed his book stuffing it into his Jensen sport backpack. Since I had dated Luke I knew a little bit more about the male mind then the usual unmated she-wolf. He wanted to do something with Steph but it was most certainly not shopping.

I gave him a look of 'I know what you are thinking' and his eyes went wide and he shook his head. "I think Mark just wants to do whatever we are up to. You're right Steph."

And with that we were standing up, the last people to get off the bus. Steph clapping her hands together, Mark blushing and keeping his head down, and me just waiting for this day to be over.

My Fated MateOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant