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~*Lucy's POV*~

Luckily I got in time in Miss Aries Literature class which is my favorite subject especially reading one of the famous Shakespeare's literacies of all time, Romeo and Juliet. I listened all day and participate as much as I can knowing that enthusiasm for the subject that most of my classmates called me a 'nerd' but I don't mind and I'm not ashamed of appreciating the story from centuries. Maintaining my grades and being part of the honors I have become a teacher's pet in the faculty with all the perseverance and hard work I give in my projects and thesis along the way. Ms. Aries also gave me extra work and lessons to help me out with advanced exams for my upcoming entrance exam, I already picked my College School which is Fiore University.

" Okay, everyone! That is all for today and please read in advance for the preparation of your project..! " Ms. Aries announced as some of the students didn't listen or care what she just said and left the classroom while I got close to her smiling with the wet uniform that happened before.

" What another project Ms. Aries..? " I asked as she looked at me smiling.

" Well, all class will be doing the Romeo and Juliet play for the festival soon! It is part of your curriculum. " Ms. Aries kept smiling as she holds her bag while noticing my wet uniform, " Oh for the love of Mavis! Why are your clothes wet!? "

I only smiled trying to hide and avoid talking about it but Ms. Aries insisted to get me to the infirmary and offered me a new set of dry uniform, I wanted to decline but she wanted to help so I had no choice. With my wet clothes in a plastic bag, I put them in my bag and be on my way to the center garden of the school where I will be meeting Erza and Levy. I was waiting while sitting down on the bench as I watched students walk passes by or walk through the hallways with their friends as I suddenly felt a hand on my left shoulder, I look up and widen my eyes again seeing Natsu with his other friends as well.

" N-Natsu..! " I said and quickly get off the bench standing up while I gripped on my bag tightly, " What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be practicing in the school gym? "

" Hehe.. Well, Erza told me you will be waiting here and requested me to escort you going to the gym. " Natsu explained showing again his grin smile.

" Oh, I can go there on my own. What about Levy..? " I asked Natsu as he scratched his head.

" Erza said she had some errands that needed her assistance for the student council and Levy being the head of the book club, she needed all the help on something.. " Natsu said and suddenly one of his friends dragged him down on the ground.

" Hey, flame brain you know we have practice right, no chitchat with your girlfriend right now. " Gray Fullbuster, very nice guy yet both him and Natsu of them don't get along so well.

" Oh shut up ice princess and we aren't a couple.. " Natsu shouted and dragging him also to the ground starting to make a ruckus.

"We are not a couple, Gray and besides he has Lisanna to be his future wife.. " I whispered and laughed which Gray agrees with a laugh as well.

" Ughh.. I don't like her Luce, seriously stop matchmaking me to that girl. I feel uncomfortable when going close to me.. " Natsu said with an annoyed face which I would understand what he is feeling.

" Then be with Lucy, I don't mind her and I am sure inside her bag is free food too!! " Gray made a grim smile while I giggled rolling my eyes as I punch Gray's arm playfully.

" Very funny Gray.. " I smiled a little and suddenly I saw Natsu began to smack Gray's head.

" I'm pretty sure she ate her lunch, Mrs. Heartifilia makes the best bento there is.. " Natsu smiled looking at me which made me blush and smiled as well.

Natsu and Gray escorted me to the gym as suddenly most of the students are there, I see Erza handling the Volleyball team because she is the captain with also the famous model of our school Mirajane Strauss which you know already Lisanna's big sister. Everyone is there for the championship games between Sabertooth Tigers from Sabertooth Academy and Dragons Tails our school. Natsu let me sit on the front row which I thanked him for that sitting down on the bench as he goes away for a while to be with his teammates

" Okay tell me what's wrong with you.. " Gray began to speak staying beside me with a serious look on his face.

" What do you mean..? " I said with a bit shocked face while holding my bag tightly.

" Obvious with the wet hair and looking at a brand new uniform coming from infirmary... " Gray said as he crossed his arms looking at me, " Don't tell me Lisanna and her squad did something to you. "

I looked down knowing I can't escape from this, Gray knew about my situation towards Lisanna two years ago. When Gray knew about it he began glaring and giving cold looks with Lisanna which just shrugs her off, Gray sometimes helps me up when I do get in trouble with her by staying with me or calling me up with something to do. he is the only one who knows about this secret knowing that I asked him a favor not telling Erza nor Levy, especially Natsu because it would give a bad reputation and standards for my family's name and honor. I can't avoid the topic and told everything to Gray what happened at lunchtime as I kept trying not to cry and hide with a smile covered with the emotional pain inside.

" Lucy you can't avoid this anymore.. We have to tell Erza and she would deal with that stupid Lisanna and her crap friends.. " Gray growled with anger in his eyes.

" You know I can't she will blackmail me and my family's name would ruin, everyone only believes on her being nice and I have nothing but a nerd loser.. " I said looking down but saw Gray's hand clenched still feeling the cold icy aura.

" Lucy, this is a serious matter.. At least one more bullying act.. I'm not taking a doubt and tell Erza everything I know. " Gray looked at me with anger cold eyes as he stands up walking to his teammates, ending our conversation.

I smiled a little as I frowned once again gripping my bag even tighter feeling thee nervous and anxious that would happen. I can't let Natsu know any of this and if he knew about this from Erza it would be a disaster and my family's business in on the line. I can't allow dad's business to be wiped out from a scandal or blackmail from Lisanna, I'm sorry Gray but I have to stop being honest with you if it happens again.

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