Day I

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~*Lucy's POV*~

" I do hope you are prepared for the surprise quiz I made today, hm? " Sir. Gildarts smirked as most of my classmates whined and groan with the unexpected torture to start the first day of school after winter break.

I only stayed silent and grabbed my notebook preparing for the unexpected quiz, maintaining my scores average for the a good grade as well. History is one of my favorite subjects which because I would love to know some traditional arts and culture before from Japan. While Mr. Gildarts dictated the questions for us to answer someone throw a crumbled paper on my head, I picked up and look through which I am not surprise seeing it.

" Hey ugly why you still alive, just die already. " 

I gave a sigh and put the paper inside my bag hearing the giggle and chuckled of girls behind me as I kept writing and answering as best as I could ignoring the possible negative thinking inside my head. After the quiz and lesson the bell rang as everyone started getting out the room that includes me avoiding as much as possible Lisanna's group of friends which made me walk even faster looking down on the floor sweating trying to find my locker from these long hallways suddenly got bumped that I fall from the ground with my books all over the floor.

" Oh gosh, I'm so so sorry..! " The guy apologized as I rub my butt that hit to the floor getting up slowly to get my stuff.

" No it's fine really, I'm sorry too cause I didn't look at my surroundings.. " I apologized as well which I quickly took some of my book that lead our hands touching grabbing the last book.

I looked and widen my eyes seeing Natsu holding my other books with his iconic grinning face we his pick spiky hair flowing from the wind, wait what? Shaking my head as I grabbed all the books with him standing up while I balance myself from the fall and he also as well. I only looked down feeling the heat going up through my cheeks which made me blushed and embarrassed, especially my best friend. It's been years as well since we got this close, literally getting bumped by him.

" Man it's been awhile since I get a chance to talk with you Luce! " Natsu said as he rub my head while I kept looking down blushing myself more.

" I-It's been awhile too Natsu.. " I said shyly while I looked at him smiling a little.

" Sheesh you getting uncomfortable with me? Why don't you try sit with me? " Natsu asked as I began to push him away panting and looked at him.

" No! Uhh.. I have homework and p-projects..! Yeah so I can't go to the cafeteria later.. " I said bowing down, " Sorry but maybe next time, Natsu. " 

I quickly run as fast as possible while hearing Natsu shouted something but I only ignored and kept looking down trying to be careful getting bump again as I finally reached to the library without a second thought, I go inside panting. I lean on the door trying to breath slowly from my nervousness which why would I want to be with Natsu's friends where Lisanna and her squad is there as well, I know for myself it's rude to get that offer I mean Natsu, popular boy in Fairy High School, inviting you is really lucky basically which that chance I won't accept but it is for the best. I go to table and rest my head feeling down as my stomach growl giving that sign of getting hungry only whimpering as my response. 

I get out of the library and carefully walk to the hallways with students chatting and gossiping to each other as I finally get inside the girl's bathroom which I stayed from the last and farthest cubicle, sitting on the toilet and pulled out my lunch. I smiled seeing my bento that my mom worked hard making for me, I take some food enjoying the peace inside the cubicle and no noise that students make from the cafeteria but not every time I get this peace alone. I heard a group of girls laughing and heels that stomped echoed in each step they take. I stayed silent as I know for sure from their scent and voices so familiar it's Lisanna and her friends.

" Gosh, you still have that spot with your boyfriend Natsu, don't you? " Minerva, Lisanna's best friend and part of the student council member.

" Of course~ He will be mine before graduating besides I have been flirting him for six years already~ " Lisanna said with confidence as I hear opening a foundation make up. 

" But Juvia heard Natsu just talked about Natsu's best friend 'Luce', right? " Juvia another member of the cheer leading squad, she is actually nice when she is not with Lisanna.

" Ugh, well that 'Luce' knows her place and I know my ways to scare and ruin her if she tries to get close with my Natsu.. " Lisanna said with a sarcastic tone as I hear her throw the foundation make up on a wall or something which made me flinch with a small squeak like a mouse, " Speaking of the devil, seems we have company.. "

I began sweating as I hear the first cubicle door kicked that made loud bang and goes to another and another which leaving the last cubicle. I tremble from fear and quickly hid my food quickly as I grab tightly to my bag with my feet pulling up for them not to see while I pant trying not to cry. All of the sudden I look up seeing Minerva smirked holding a water bottle purring on my head made myself wet that I screamed, Minerva and Lisanna laughed as they knocked the door open from the cubicle pictured me being wet while sitting the toilet.

" That's for getting close to my Natsu~ Hope you learn your lesson, loser! " Lisanna shouted as they left from the bathroom laughing while I saw Juvia looked at me worried as she offered me a handkerchief.

" J-Juvia is sorry.. " She said as she joins with Lisanna again with a fake laugh.

I smiled a little but quickly frowned trying to use the handkerchief to dry my face while my uniform is all wet, I go near at the mirror fixing myself up getting all wet and used all the tissues to wipe. Ever since Lisanna came here since 1st year high school has been hell for me but I became patient, used to all her tactics of actions that she treated from me and her manipulation of her being the victim so no way of threatening her even I told some of my friends about her attitude towards, no one would believe me. 

" Just few more months Lucy and you will be out of here.. " I thought to myself holding my wet bag as I get out of the bathroom hearing the second bell to get for my next class.

My Last Chapter (Short Nalu Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora