Chapter 29: The War For Earth

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(3rd POV)

7 days is how long the Guardian77 10 have been fighting the Otsutsuki menace that threatened their home. And now only one Otsutsuki was left. 

Zarnvik Otsutsuki. 

Although there was only one left the Guardian 10 were spread out through the world. Shinsou and Shukaku are in the middle of the Pacific Islands.

Matatabi and Mezou were on the coast of southeast Australia.

Kota and Isobu were in the middle of the Pacific Ocean near Antarctica.

Shoto and Son Goku was on the West Coast of the U.S. 

Kokuo and Shouta Aizawa were in the Northern Part of Russia

Saiken and Izumi were the only ones left in Japan. 

Tenya and Chomei were on the west coast of South Africa between Peru and Chile. 

Kyoka and Gyuuki landed in the northern part of Alaska

Izuku, Momo, and Kurama were the last ones fighting, and they were in the middle of China. 


"God's don't bleed, God's don't die, and god's don't get directly involved unless needed, and gods are very fickle," Izuku said, "So tell me how are you a God? Because of your unhealthy lifespan? Maybe your normally insane power? or your vast knowledge? You fool yourself you may be close to a god in some senses but... YOU ARE NO GOD!"

I Charged at him. 

Kick, Punch, block, Uppercut, left, dodge, block, Sweep, Punch, block, Punch, Kick. Izuku and Zarnvik engaged in a taijutsu battle that looked like a graceful dance. The sound of flesh hitting flesh could be heard for miles. 

Momo was knocked out and was resting while Kurama healed her. It was taking Everything Izuku had to make sure Momo was out of danger. 


Izuku went flying back, Zarnvik was the first to land a blow. 


All 9 of the battlefields were broadcasted and they found out just how powerful each of the Guardian 10 was. 

"COME ON YOU CAN DO IT!" A Chinese man yelled

"Zuku buddy if you lose I'm gonna kill you myself," Katsuki whispered

"My question is why can't they defeat that last one," A german asked

"I SWEAR I'M SURROUNDED BY DUMBASSES! FATIGUE DUMBASS FATIGUE THEY HAVE BEEN FIGHTING FOR OVER 160 HOURS WITH NO SLEEP AND ALL THEY'VE EATEN ARE FOOD PILLS." Katsuki yelled, "both of them are stamina freaks but they have limits, just because Izuku has a healing quirk doesn't mean that they don't suffer from fatigue" 


"I hope Daddy's ok," I whisper

"Don't worry snowball I'm stronger than that!" Daddy's clone yelled

Around the world

"Go Guardian 10!" The adults pleaded

While the kids yelled, "THEY'RE SO COOL!" 

The world was in Izuku's hands he'd fought from the Bottom most atom of the barrel and was now standing at the top, he was a true hero,

Back at the battlefield.

"Heh Heal Pulse," Izuku whispered healing Momo

The eye bags beneath his eyes were bigger than Shinsou's and Aizawa's combined. Momo's eye bags are just as bad, but he didn't dare wake his Girlfriend up. He was going to take down his target alone if it meant letting her sleep. 

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