Chapter 20: The next Jinchuriki

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July 8th, 2321

Unidentified Location (3rd Pov)

"Now come here Otsutsuki!" Shigaraki yelled

"What's up Shigaraki you know just because we are allied with you until we beat Awakening doesn't mean you get to act like our boss" ??? Answered

"Whatever what's the status on you're comrades?" Shigaraki asked annoyed

"Well, Shiggy they will arrive in 3 days, then with Me and my brother as well as the 20 incoming members we WILL destroy Awakening! And take the power from this world" ??? answered

"Good, the purge over the WORLD will soon begin!" Shigaraki says then begins to laugh.

After that, the unknown person left and Shigaraki was left with himself.

"Besides thanks to Izuku's actual quirk Kings Authority, I will rule this world and Kill all heroes," Shigaraki said to himself laughing

Shigaraki looked at the medical report at Izuku Yagi from their mole doctor who helps take god-ranked quirks making them quirkless.

Name: Izuku Yagi

DOB:  July 15th

Quirk: Absolute Authority: Gives the User ability to use the ability to counter the opponent's quirk with a stronger version of the opponent's quirk, or a quirk that has an advantage over the other's quirk, establishing their rule.

Drawbacks: Analysis, an inadequate analysis could result in a poor matchup rather than a good one. Using Quirk more than 5 times in one hour causes a 5 minute complete shutdown of the brains thinking skills.

Izuku Lunar now that I have AFO and your quirk, I am stronger than you, and all those poor heroes.

(Izuku's POV)

It's been 3 months since I last spoke with my mentors I order how they're doing. I grab my Naruto and Sasuke wristbands put them on and close my eyes.

"Hey Izuku!" Naruto yells

"What's up Naruto!!" I respond

"Been a while kid," Sasuke said

"Sure has!" I responded

"So what's new?!" Naruto asked

"Welllllll....," I say

"Why the fuck do I sense Otsutsuki chakra!" Sasuke roared

"SHIT THERE HERE! I didn't know" I said

"Well, what do you know?" He asked

"I'm about to fight a war against a couple of thousand Nomus, Hundreds of thousands of villains, a couple of hundred S-rank Villains, well our C-rank villains but still, anyway we also know that the government is going to shut down the hero society because all the Villains just up and vanished to help take over, AND now thanks to Sasuke I guess were going to have to face a few Otsutsuki?" I say fastly

"Fuck kid you got you're work cut out for you!" Naruto said

"Well ya, Naturally" I replied

"Naruto," Sasuke says to naruto with a glance

"Ok, Sasuke," He replied

"Well kid seeing as you'll be fighting that army PLUS 20 Otsutsuki we're going to get help," Sasuke said


"You're lucky you're not with the others otherwise you would have been killed!" Naruto said with a sing-song voice when saying killed.

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