Chapter 10: Stain

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'Ok so Iida is fighting stain with no permission to use his quirk. The hero's are struggling to fight these nomu's and I'm not supposed to leave I could
use a clone but if by some off chance he disappears I'll be screwed, If I send a clone there then I'm running in unprepared. This couldn't get worse'.
"Hey Kamui Woods would you mind if I leave and leave 3 clones to help you here I need to stop Stain from killing one of my classmates" I ask
"Why would a classmate be fighting stain right now? Stain doesn't prey after children. So why would a classmate go looking for Stain?" He asked clearly confused
"Because his brother is Inginium and he wants revenge, I got him to drop it in class but when the attack happened he figured Stain would be around as well so he went looking for him. Anyways thanks and I gotta go," I reply leaving 3 clones
Afterwords I teleported to Iida using my mark I placed on him, I couldn't be a second later as stain was in the process of swinging his blade forwards Iida's chest mumbling loudly about how he purged another false hero for All Might.
"Should I delight you about something, Inginium is more of a true hero than All Might" I said after destroying his blade into pebbles And kicking him away from Iida.
"And just how is that? And how would you know you fake." he spat with venom in his voice
"Because Inginium is a humble kind hero who strives to do his best for the city even if his fight doesn't get mentioned by the media while Ass Might as a person is a bitch who hates the quirk-less, picks favorites, and almost always does things to boost his fame even more, did he ever talk about how he had a son and he neglected him for 10 1/2 years because he was quirk-less, his twin sister and his ex-friends bullied him and he didn't notice or care, In fact he had to buy his own clothes, Medication, food, and supplies since the age of four! Were you aware of that?" I challenged
"And how would you know that?" Not believing me
"Because I am that child!" I state
"You lie, you just want me to stop what I'm doing"
"If I did I couldn't do this. Genjutsu: Users past" I yelled
After a few seconds he dropped on the floor I closed his eyes and went on to heal Iida and Native who was also a victim of the attack. I created two more clones and had them take the injured Iida and Native while I tied up Stain and left the alley.
"What's wrong with stain?" Iida asked
"He's living in my childhood feeling what I feel, hearing what I hear, every beating, insult, incident and torture I went through from age 4 to nearly 15 years old he will wake up in another few minutes for him it will have been 10 and 1/2 years for us it will be 45 minutes," I reply
Native said, "Why do you make it seem so bad? It couldn't be that bad, you're parents are All Might and Telik."
I calmly reply forcing my anger down,"I haven't had parents since the age of four. I had to work to buy food, water, clothes, electronics, medication, set up appointments, and train myself since the age of 4. As for what I said earlier look at stain he's probably been in there for just over a year and he's crying his eyes out there swollen also he's bleeding keep in mind a punch in there it's effect on his real body would be like a soft tap, so the fact that he's bleeding semi badly after 1 year should prove to you what my childhood was."
Just then a group of 4 hero's and my 3 clones I left behind was approaching and was led by Kamui Woods came running forwards us. He looked relieved when he saw that everyone was in good enough condition to stand up, Native couldn't walk but he could stand. The. He looked at the man tied up.
"Holy shit you really were fighting Stain?!"
"Thats stain?" One of the hero's said
"No way this kid didn't get a scratch yet stains unconscious" another hero said
"Wait why are injuries appearing on him?"the third hero said
"Ok calm down everybody. Yes that's stain, Manual. He's in a genjutsu that's why injuries are appearing, in this genjutu he's living in my childhood from age 4 to 14 and 7 months, but Kamui you remember when I showed it to you I stabbed you with a blade in that world it felt real but as soon as you left it felt like you got a soft punch where the blade was, well that's the dampening power he has on but he's living 1 year in 4 minutes so his body isn't recovering as fast but then again if I only had a few scratches and bruises everyday from my bullies then it meant it wasn't even lunchtime. So yeah he's having fun also he can't move his body to change the past, so he just gets to feel, hear and be subject to the torment," I replied
"What kind of kid are you to survive that?! And yea that hurt you couldn't have been a bit softer?" Kamui  Questioned
"I could have but then no one would be able to draw how much pain he's going through in order to have those bruises, and tiny cuts appearing. And the reason why I thought this would happen was because Iida was in hosu and was near stain so if he heard him he would charge in after him and that would lead to this so I needed to prove what kind of hell I lived in," I said Bluntly
"So just how are you ok? Any other human would be scarred, and mentally unstable" he asked
"I had 20 years to stable myself. I trained for 20 years in some pocket dimension where 20 years there is 10 months here... however you only age as fast as you would in the real world physically so I used that off time of training to embrace my past and all the pain it brought then learned to use it to fuel me to be better and finally move past it, that's how" I replied
After my explanation the hero's gave me there condolences and I said it wasn't there fault. After that they started to leave and make sure all the Nomu's got apprehended.
"Watch out" Manual shouted
A Nomu was flying up to me and Kamui it tried to take me but missed then it spread its talons outward and grabbed Kamui.
"Oh no you don't" I say, "Lighting style: Chidori"
I ran up the building and jumped and cut off the talons of the Nomu.
"Shadow Clone Jutsu, HyAAAAaAaaaaAaa" I said throwing my clone to catch Kamui

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