"My names actually Ruby, Ruby Rose." She informed me, extending her hand for a handshake.

"My names (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)." I said while shaking her hand.

"Maybe I'll see you around." Ruby said as she walked out the door.

I let out a small chuckle as she walked away. Turning around to look at Pops I saw he was giving me a look. Acting quickly I put both my hands up.

"Whatever it is, I didn't do it this time." I told him, assuming he thought I did something bad again.

"The only thing I was going to accuse you of was flirting with that young lady." He said, donning a smirk when I felt my face heat up with a blush.

"W-what are you talking about Pops?" I asked. "I think you might finally need those glasses. Maybe a hearing aid while your at it."

All he did was smirk and send me to pick up some fire Dust for the forge. I was about to walk out the door before he called my name.

"(Y/N)! It's dangerous to go alone at night, take these." He reminded me before tossing me my shield and sword. "Wouldn't want to forget Kokiri and Goron, would we?"

"I panicked Pops!" I whined. "I couldn't think of any better names. They just popped into my head."

"I see." Was the only reply I got before he ushered me out of the store.

After walking for a while, I eventually stumbled into a Dust shop that was open this late at night. The store was called 'From Dust 'Till Dawn.' Really left me wondering what they sold. I walked into the store and was about to go talk to the shopkeeper before I noticed something red in my peripheral vision. Looking in that direction, I noticed the red object was the red cloak belonging to one Ruby Rose. Moving silently towards her, I tapped her on the shoulder suddenly causing her to emit a small eep before spinning around to see me laughing at her. She hit my shoulder while I just kept laughing.

"What are you doing here?" She demanded.

"Pops sent me to pick up some fire Dust for the forge. Found this place and saw you." I explained between laughing fits. "Figured I'd surprise you. Never imagined that much though."

"It's not that funny." She exclaimed, hitting my shoulder once more.

I was about to continue talking to her, but the bell on the door going off alerted me to another person walking into the store. Two men walked in first followed by some henchmen and four things that looked like gargoyles come to life. Me and Ruby look towards each other and start whispering to each other.

"Who are those guys?" I whispered, not recognising any of them.

"You don't know who the guy in white is?" She asked, receiving a head shake from me. "I don't know who the really pale guy is, but the other one is Roman Torchwick, he's notorious for stealing Dust from all over Vale. What are the odds of him being here today?"

"Probably not too high." I responded, drawing Kokiri and Goron from my back.

Me and Ruby were about to continue our conversation but Roman ordered two of his men to spread out and look for anybody else in the store. Me and Ruby looked at each other and nodded, silently agreeing to fight off the henchmen. When they arrived to where you were, Ruby kicked one guy away while I hit one with the flat of my blade before shield bashing him to the floor. Roman and the other man looked towards us. Now that I got a better look at the other man, I could see that he had ashy grey skin along with hair of the purest white colour I'd ever seen. His eyes widened when he saw me, almost as if he knew me and was surprised I was there. Ruby made her way to attack the henchmen while I charged at the living gargoyles. They made a screeching noise before charging towards me. One swung a wooden club at me, which I blocked with my shield. The next tried to swing at my legs, which I blocked with my sword before swinging my sword at the creature. The sword was about to make contact with the creatures chest when a black rapier struck my sword and engaged in a sword lock. Looking to my right, I noticed the grey man was the one defending his soldier.

The Hero of Remnant Volume 1: The Hero Returns (Male Link Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now