PART 9: Return of the Siblings

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----- Evan's Perspective -----

I'm blasting WITHOUT YOU by The Kid LAROI at full volume in my headphones.

I'm probably going to get hearing damage, but that's the kind of mood I'm in at the moment. OF COURSE THE ONE TIME EVERYTHING IS GOING WELL IN MY LIFE I JUST HAD TO GO AND FUCK IT UP. I HATE MYSELF.

I continue to pace back and forth in my dorm like I've been doing all day. I haven't done any homework and I don't know how I'm going to get anything at all done this week. Guess my grades are just going to suffer which will send me into an even worse spiraling depression than the one I'm already in.

I don't know what to do. Talking to Isaac earlier helped I guess, but nothing's going to fill the void Tyler left in my heart. But I can't even be mad at him because all of this is my own fucking fault.

I end up deciding to just try to force myself to sleep. It actually works and I end up snoozing for a while, until a loud pounding on the door jolts me awake. There's a little bit of light coming through the blinds, so at least I made it through the night. Not like the next several days are going to be any easier.

HAZEL: ACAD Housing, open up!!

I throw the covers off of me and hop out of bed. Hazel keeps banging on the door loud enough to wake up the entire floor. What time is it anyway??


As if I didn't hear you the first time.

"I'm getting dressed! Hold on!"

I pull some jeans and a t-shirt on and dart over to open the door.

"Hazel, it's like 7 am..."

HAZEL: 6, actually.

I groan and rub my eyes.

HAZEL: The early bird gets the worm! Or in this case, the RA nabs a delinquent. Where's your boyfriend?

"Uh, it's a long story but he's back in his hometown- I'm sorry, did you say delinquent? What the hell are you talking about?"

HAZEL: Don't act like you don't know.

"I really don't, so do you wanna tell me so that I can go back to sleep and try to get some sort of rest before my big exam today?

HAZEL: Tyler assaulted another resident yesterday.

"What?? You don't know what you're talking about, Tyler would never hurt a fly let alone a person."

HAZEL: We've got cameras covering every single angle of this building. The footage doesn't lie, Brooky Brooks.

Well I absolutely HATED that. Ew.

"Okay, so tell me what was on the footage."

HAZEL: Tyler threw a punch at the My Chemical Romance fanboy next door.


She nods.

"You know, this actually does make sense now."

HAZEL: Anyway, I'm not here to shoot the shit, so tell your little boyfriend to come out right now. Ha, come out! I'm cracking myself up.


"I told you, he's not here."

HAZEL: Fine. If he won't come out on his own I guess I'll just have to get campus PD involved.

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