PART 5: A Night of Regret

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----- Evan's Perspective -----

I've decided that Tyler's phone alarm sound is possibly the most obnoxious thing my ears have ever had the displeasure to hear. It's way too early to be woken up by a Broadway song.

"Can you please turn that garbage off?!?"

Instead, he starts singing along to it progressively louder.

TYLER: I am not throwing away my... SHOT!

"I hate you."

TYLER: Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Or is the phrase "got out on the wrong side of the bed?" Not like you have a choice of which side, because, you know, you're up against a wall-

"Can you just shut up and let me sleep?"

TYLER: Actually, I was thinking we could go get some grub at Flavor Fusion before I go to work. Today is pancake day!!

"We have cereal."

TYLER: Boring. We've been eating Frosted Flakes for days, and you're not sick of them yet?


TYLER: Are you forgetting we have meal plans?? Let's use them and get an actual decent breakfast for once!

"You can go ahead."

TYLER: Dude, what the hell is your problem? I'm really tired of this angsty asshole Evan phase.

"My problem is that it's seven in the morning and I was up till four studying for my exam today, so excuse me for being a bit grumpy about being woken up."

TYLER: A bit? More like a byte.


TYLER: Sorry, I knew that joke was lame. Connor came up with it, which explains why.

"I still don't get it?"

TYLER: You know, like computer data? Bits? Bytes? He's such a nerd. Wait, what were we talking about?

I roll my eyes.

TYLER: I was saying something, right?

"Of course you were. You never shut your mouth."

TYLER: Okay, you know what? I'm gonna go get myself a big ol' nice pancake, and then I'm gonna go to work, and hopefully by the time I get back you'll no longer be in this weird bitchy mood of yours.

He changes clothes and throws his underwear in MY laundry hamper.

"Can you not throw your dirty undies in my freaking basket?"

TYLER: Well, I WAS going to do your laundry for you later just to be a nice boyfriend, so I figured I'd throw some of my clothes in too, but that's fine, you can do it yourself.

"When do you ever do laundry? You're just making up an excuse."

TYLER: Are you trying to say that I don't pitch in?

"I'm saying it's abundantly clear who does the bulk of the clean-up around here."

TYLER: Yeah, because you're a clean freak! And you never stop cleaning! I don't ever even have a chance to do anything! God!

"You never ask if you can help! You probably don't even know how to do laundry, do you?"

TYLER: What is that supposed to mean?

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