PART 2: Welcome to Atlanta

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----- Tyler's Perspective -----

We finally made it to the hotel and I'm SO HAPPY that the drive is over. I haaaaaaate long car rides. At least Evan was by my side the whole time; I got a kick out of annoying him by singing along to Broadway musicals. His mom is asleep in her bed, and he's still in the shower which isn't surprising; he could spend all day in there. He's a clean boi for sure.

I'm sooooooo boooooooooooooored.

Surprisingly, I still have a lot of energy even though I got 4 hours of sleep and only napped for like 30 minutes in the car. I feel the urge to start jumping on this bed like I'm 10 years old, so I do it. I just do it kinda quietly so I don't wake Mrs. Brooks up.

Evan walks out in a towel and looks at me with a "really?" expression that then turns into a smile and a head shake.

"Come join me!"

EVAN: It does look kinda fun. Lemme get some pants on first.

He grabs some pajamas out of his suitcase and goes back to the bathroom to change, then comes running out and leaps up onto the bed, nearly falling over and tackling me before he catches himself and starts jumping with me.

EVAN: I haven't done this in years!

"Neither have I!"

EVAN: Why is this still so stupidly fun??

"Because it's me and you! We can make anything fun, let's be real!"

EVAN: The modern day Zack and Cody!

"Oh, we could get into so many hotel shenanigans. Too bad we're too big to fit in the air ducts."

EVAN: Yeah, I kinda don't wanna get arrested before we even have a chance to move into our dorm.

"You're so the equivalent of Cody."

EVAN: Shut up!


EVAN: Oops...sorry Mom. Kinda forgot you were there.

MRS. BROOKS: Thanks a lot, son.

We stop jumping and get down off the bed.

"I'm kinda out of breath anyway."

EVAN: Mr. Hyper himself is out of breath? Wow.

"Oh, I still have plenty of energy, don't worry."

EVAN: Of course you do. You wanna go do something?

"Uh, duh. You know I'm always down for adventures."

EVAN: Hmm...what is there to do at a Holiday Inn?

"Who says we can't go somewhere else?"

EVAN: Have you SEEN Atlanta traffic and how terrifying it is? I thought I was gonna have a panic attack driving in earlier.

"Yeah, I know it's a bit stressful but I think you'll start to get used to it. I can drive us somewhere tonight though! You deserve a break for driving all the way down from Sandusky."

EVAN: Thanks, Ty.

"I'm actually kinda hungry if you're down to get some food..."

EVAN: Dude, for real? We JUST had Taco Bell a couple hours ago.

"I'm a growing boy!"

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