Chapter Nineteen: When Life Goes Wrong, Crash A Car Into A Bush

Start from the beginning

Stomach penises were cute on other people, and specifically attractive if you were 8'23, had brown eyes and your name rhymed with Shathaniel. 

I rolled my eyes at my own thought, of course Shathaniel would always be attractive. You ever see someone and you want to hurt them but you don't know why? It's like I wanted to take Shathaniels glory and I wanted to drop on my knees and suck his dick, and when I was done I wanted to beat him up. 

I think it sounds very reasonable, in my opinion. And no, I don't take criticism, constructive or not. 

"Anyways." I said before I could delve into my thoughts about people and their stomach penises. 

Wait does that make innies stomach vaginas?

I laughed. "Anyways." I said again, "I guess we're heading to my house. You down for a road trip?" I asked, looking towards Shathaniel. 

Brian shook his head, "Say no." 


"Awh." I said, sticking out my bottom lip, "Too bad. Can I drive?"

"Say no again." 

"Shut up Brian." I turned back to Shathaniel, "Can I drive?"

Shathaniel looked at me for quite a few solid seconds. 

"Don't look at me like that." I said, brushing a hair behind my ear, "I get nervous, and when I get nervous I get the nervous shits and honestly... It's not pretty." I shook my head. "Anyways, can I drive?"

"Say no." Brian implored again.

"Brian shut up before I shove my finger so far up your ass it comes up your throat and creepy old men hit on you because they think it's a second tongue." I turned to Shathaniel, "Can I drive?"


"Sure, why not." 

I grinned at Brian, "Oh this is going to be fun."

"Don't crash the car okay?"

"Of course not." 


"Hey." I said with a laugh as I stared at the car which I had crashed into a bush, "At least it's not a shed. That could've been a lot worst."

"Cole." Nathaniel's voice was annoyed, but not as annoyed as it should have been in my opinion. "I'm pretty sure I said not to crash the car." His voice was low and, if it weren't for the fact he wasn't telling me a secret, I would've thought he was saying it only for me to hear.

I smiled at him, "Relax." I said, walking to the bush and standing by it. "This is my neighborhood and this bush is soft as can be, wouldn't scratch your car at all." I placed my hand on it to show what I meant and then pulled it away quickly with a wince, "Ow." I said. 

Nathaniel was looking at me with his lips pinched into a line, but his eyes weren't cold or annoyed. He simply looked like I... well he looked as if I had crashed his car into a bush, but divided by two. 

In simple terms, he didn't look that mad at all. 

"Look," I pointed to the bush, "That's only like... a solid two feet into the bush, no serious damage." 

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