☔︎𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕟☔︎ Flaky X Reader

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✰reader will be female.
✰Flaky has been confirmed female by one of the creators so i'll be using she/her. They also might use they/them so in another oneshot I'll use they/them or she/they.
✰btw your taller.
✰also F/T/N Means "Favorite tea name".
cussing/swearing, mentions of death, degrading oneself, etc.
✰enjoy loves♡︎

Flaky's POV

'Damnit! I should've paid more attention to the weather..' I mentally yell at myself. It's true, I really should've paid more attention. I thought it would be a quick,"in & out" situation. I thought wrong obviously. I didn't even bring my car! Now I have to walk home alone in the rain, could this get any worse? Probably not. My fucking god, Why must I be this fucking stupid? like, I seriously had to do this at night? At night!? I had to get groceries at night?! Why did I have to lose track of time again at night? I thought I was smarter than this.. Now I'm probably going to die somehow.. scratch that, I bet that I'll die somehow in some weird way. I mean, this has happened more than it should. You'd think I'd learn my lesson the first or at least the second time, but NOPE! I just have to repeat the same mistake over and over again!....I'm such a dumbass.

Nobody's POV

The red headed girl walked down the sidewalk, getting her shoes, hair, and clothes wet. She didn't feel so happy or even look a tiny bit Happy. Luckily for her, A female noticed her. She noticed that the red headed girl didn't have an umbrella or any fitting clothing for this type of weather, and that she wasn't having a "good mood". The girl wore a black jacket, the jacket had a *insert your lgbtq+ flag* pin,a pair of dark blue jeans,and checkered-like shoes on. She walked over to the girl, she somewhat felt pitiful for the petite red headed girl. She put the umbrella over the girl's head,"hey, we can share if you want",she offered in a soft voice,but loud enough for someone to hear. The taller girl had a such cloud-soft smile and look in her eyes. Her action was enough to make the red haired girl smile and brighten up her mood. "Wait- are you sure? Because I don't want to bother you or anything, and-" The taller one cut her off with a small laugh and then proceeded to say," if it was going to bother me why would I offer? Plus, you'll get sick if you stay out here in the rain, especially without a Jacket or an umbrella.". "I-.. oh- uhm thanks.." the red haired girl replied in a soft tone, unintentionally stuttering. She really didn't know what to even say. She was mainly questioning in her head,'why are they being so...I don't know..nice?.. '. The red headed girl snapped out of her thoughts and hesitantly grabbed the umbrella, holding it with the taller girl. The taller one gave them a small gentle smile, it was quite comforting to see and look at. The two walked down the sidewalk, the taller one decided to start a conversation so it wouldn't be awkward silence the whole time. "So, do you want me to walk you down to your house? Y'know, so you don't get even more wetter than you already are.". The red headed girl was silent for a few seconds, quite obviously thinking about the taller girl's offer. Finally deciding,"Yeah, that would be nice..". "I'll do exactly that- wait- I never caught your name!" The tall one exclaimed in sudden realization. The red headed girl seemed to be off guard when she said that."Oh- I'm uh- Flaky". "Flaky? I like that name, it sounds really nice and cute! I'm Y/N." She said, repeating flaky's name with a smile. She was being honest, she really did like that name,and she really did find her name cute. She thought it felt appealing and that it rolled off the tongue so very smoothly. She also thought that Flaky was like-beyond cute, like off the charts cute. But will she ever say that out loud? Probably. 10/10 she would date her with no questions asked. Flaky Blushed at her response. She really wasn't used to compliments like those. "I- uh- thanks.." Flaky responded, stuttering and embarrassed. Y/N chuckled at her stuttering, she found it kinda cute. Y/N began to notice Flaky shivering, The female was obviously cold. She let go of the umbrella, leaving Flaky to hold it herself. She began to take off her jacket and placed it around her shoulders and neck. She let Flaky do the rest, she didn't want to cross boundaries or make her uncomfortable. "Won't you get cold?!" Flaky asked Y/N, visibly concerned. "Probably, but you look like you need it more." She said, saying, "probably, but", very quietly. Y/N placed her hand back on the umbrella, holding it with Flaky again. "Hey Flaky?" Y/N asked, curiosity laced in her voice. Flaky looked up at Y/N, she was blushing, but you really couldn't tell due to the fact that (basically) her whole entire skin was red. "Yeah?" She responded, wondering what Y/N was going to ask her. "How far away is your house? Because we've been walking for quite a bit" Y/N asked. She wasn't wrong, they have been walking for quite a while. "Oh- uhm- I think it's just a block away from here.." Flaky answered, hoping she was right, just so she wouldn't be accused of being a lair. "Oh okay!" Y/N said cheerfully, even though she was honestly quite bummed. She wanted to be able to talk to her longer. "Hey, why is your skin so soft?" Y/N asked out of genuine curiosity. Was she Wong? Nope. "I- erm-" "it's like baby soft!" "Well- I'm- I don't know-" Flaky said, just trying her best to form a sentence, since she really didn't know what to say. "Well- uh- what's your favorite uhm- type of tea?" Flaky asked, hoping that it would change the conversation topic. "Hmm... I'll have to say F/T/N!" Y/N responded enthusiastically. "I like hot sugary tea.." Flaky said, only a tiny bit confident."Oh that's a good choice! That's my second favorite tea!" Y/N said cheerfully. "Hey Y/N?.." "Yeah?" "We're here, at my house.." "Really?" "Yeah.." "..." "..." "Can I have your phone number? I really like talking to you!" Flaky gave a quiet chuckle,
"sure, it's ***-***-***" Y/N had already pulled out her phone,so she began to enter her phone number. "Is this it?" Y/N asked, wanting to make sure she had the correct phone number entered. "Yep,That's it.." Flaky responded with a small nod."mines ***-****-***!" "Okay, I'll make sure to remember that.."Flaky began to repeat that number in her head nonstop. "Anyways, bye Flaky! I'll text you later." Y/N said waving goodbye. Flaky didn't say anything, but she did wave goodbye back. By the time Y/N walked away, Flaky had already entered her house. Y/N looked at her phone, deciding to renaming Flaky's contact name as,
" ✨💕🌸𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚒𝚏𝚞 𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚕🌸💕✨ "
Snickering at it, just knowing that she'll most likely never find out that you put her contact name as that. You just couldn't wait until you two hang out again. Y/N's main thoughts on this topic were,"Hopefully it'll be soon."
With flaky? Oh- the mf was having a crisis on how you even gave your phone number to her, don't get me started on how you even looked in her direction. Like she was- no joke, laying on the couch,covering her face, having a fucking crisis. She was also blushing like there was no tomorrow.

Flaky's POV

'OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG-' I repeatedly yelled inside my head. I couldn't believe she actually gave me her phone number, she gave me her phone number, me out of all people! I mean how am I anywhere close in her league? I mean- I'm ugly as fuck and she's beautiful & cute as fuck! It just doesn't make any sense! Like- she's just so pretty,cute, beautiful, gorgeous, and- you get the idea. I grab my phone, to add her to my contacts. I enter her number, and save her contact. 'hmn...should I change her contact name to something else?' I mentally ask myself. 'yes'. Listening to thought, which is actually very unusual for me, I change her contact name to,
"💕🍒Cherry Gummy🍒💕". I don't know why I put it as that, but for some reason it feels right.


I wonder if she'll let me call her gummy or cherry. . .

1,479 words✨

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