The girls and I reluctantly agreed to playing water polo with the boys at one point and spent a lot of the day fighting over the inflatables in the pool.

Leanne and Hailey were determined to start tanning and Ryan made some water balloons which didn't go down too well...

I was also a victim of being pushed into the pool multiple times throughout the day. I suppose those are the joys of having 4 boys in the house.

Carter also joined in on the fun for a while, despite still giving me the silent treatment. He wasn't acting like himself at all until it was time to be competitive. He can never resist a competition. After that, he returned to being his cold and grumpy self.

Eventually, it reached dinner time and we all went inside after the long day. Dad, Blade and Tris had just gotten home from work and we all sat down for the meal that Ivy and Kayla had prepared for us.

The jet lag seemed to be catching up to people, but I was too on edge to feel even the least bit sleepy.

We spent the evening doing practically nothing apart from watching the clock count down until we were safe to leave.

Once it reached midnight, our plan was going to be thrown into action.

Leanne had made a deal with Ryan to cover for us, on the condition that we gave out his number to any 'cute' girls that we saw at the club. We saw that as a pretty fair price I suppose.

We could've used the other guy's help too, but we knew that they'd tell us we were being stupid and wouldn't want to be involved. Jamie and Carter like to think they're superior because they're the oldest and 'most mature' but that's far from the truth.

Lucas wouldn't want to be involved with our scheme, but he's too nice to say no if we asked him. However, I told the girl's that I refused to take advantage of his kind nature. I don't want him to possibly get in trouble for us, he doesn't deserve it.

I also know that all of the boys are all partially afraid of their parents. Honestly, we all are. We just know that Ryan's the only one willing to break the rules for we're using it to our advantage.

The plan was for Ryan to distract everyone and keep them as far away from our rooms as possible until we returned. It should have been quite easy seeing as Cyrus and India were due to arrive tonight anyway.

While they were being kept busy, we were going to sneak off the balcony of my bedroom and climb down one of the trees within reach.

It was a bit risky but we'd covered the security camera's nearby and knew that this was the only way we'd ever get away from the house.

"Okay, so you're going to give my number to all the girls in the club right?" Ryan said to us, stood in the centre of my room.

We'd all said goodnight to our parent's and told them that we were exhausted due to the jet lag. I knew that this way, they wouldn't bother us.

"Yes, yes, but just stick to the plan." Leanne nagged. She was wearing a silk, lilac bodycon dress that accentuated her figure, with plain white sneakers.

We thought it best for the walking and climbing if we all stayed away from the heels...

"Yeah, I know." Ryan sighed. "I'll keep everyone busy and distract them if they try and come up here."

"Okay good. Thank you Ryan, you're doing us a real favour." I said, giving him a quick hug.

"Okay, okay, just go and have fun before you get caught." he said, pushing me away bashfully and leaving the room.

"Love ya Ryan." Hailey giggled, before closing the doors.

We all walked quietly out onto the balcony after turning off all of the lights and stuffing our beds with body shaped pillows.

I could feel the adrenaline running through my body and I just wanted to get away from the house as quickly as we could before someone saw us.

I was wearing a flowy, pale blue dress with small daisy patterns across it, with Hailey in a slimming pink dress and perfectly curled hair. We were certainly ready for a party and Leanne had found the perfect place which we were certain we could sneak into.

"Okay, I'll go first, follow my footsteps and we'll all make it across just fine." Leanne whispered as she climbed over the side of the balcony and took a step onto the thick tree branch just below her.

I watched as she cautiously grabbed the thicker branches and shifted her weight across and down onto the fence below. Hailey quickly followed her footsteps until I was the only one left on the balcony.

I looked back at the closed door behind me and back down at my two best friends. My brain was in a million different places and I knew that this was my only chance to turn back.

I should've turned back...

But I didn't.

I climbed down to my friends until all three of us were behind the fence.

"I know I'm going to regret this." I sighed.

"Shush!" They both said, indicating with their index fingers.

I held up both of my hands in defence as we all ducked down in an attempt not to be caught. Hailey and I followed Leanne in single file until we reached the front of the house and saw one of the security guards standing right in front of us.

I could see the panic in all three of our faces as we'd forgotten about the security surrounding the house and Leanne did the only thing she could possibly think of.

She grabbed the nearest thing she could see on the ground and threw it at the trees directly in front of the guard.

It caught his attention and we all made a run for it as he walked away. I'm not quite sure how that worked in any way, but I'm glad it did.

I'd never felt those kind of nerves before but it was exhilarating.

Shortly afterwards, we reached the road away from the house and were safely out of view.

I couldn't believe we'd made it out without being caught.

Now all we had to do was find the club, have the time of our lives and make it back in one piece before the sun came up.

But that's harder than it sounds...

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