Chapter Four

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ngl I'm kinda surprised this actually got reads- thank you :) <3

TW- angst, swearing, self-deprecation.

This chapter may or may have not been inspired by "Jess Benko's Do you love me or are you just lonely.

"So, once we encounter love, we have to ask. Do you love me, or are you just, lonely?"

~Dream POV~


Godfucking dammit, I really thought she loved me. I really thought she did. But now she's gone. God job Clay! You fucked up, again, just like you always do!

It hurt, seeing her room empty. I thought about the problem before self consciously walking to her window. Lightly touching it with my fingertips as the cold seeped into my touch.


"Do you love me? Or are you just lonely" what, why would she say that? I looked at her, eyes wide, did she know? Did George tell her? Oh holy mother of god- She smiled at me, "Jess Benko". Oh. I smiled back at her, unaware of the pain she felt at this very moment.



The note was left on the chair that day, had gone unnoticed by all the boys walking in and out of her room, trying to get their last feel of her, unknowing that she was less than 2 miles away.


Dream felt an unusual pain in his chest, choosing to ignore it, he stood up confidently, collected his hunting materials, and started to look for her, he loved her, she loved him. She couldn't leave. Not if I didn't let her. (a/n hahhshwe manipulative dream)

He quickly ran outside the house, thinking about the many places y/n could've been.

~Your POV~

You saw him walking across L'manburg, Tommy was next to you. You were both just sitting together under a tree, Dream looked around, before running off. Tommy looked at you, "Why'd you leave?" He asked with his iconic accent. "I was bored, I missed you." He smiled at this, "Upsetting you're not my favorite woman." You gave him a look of confusion before he bursted out laughing, "y-y/nhdbergveur, I was kidding PAHUAHERBVER". You widely smiled at him, laughing along before you heard something behind you.

~Dream POV~

I didn't notice them at first, but then I heard Tommy screech while laughing and then I heard another extremely recognizable voice. y/n. I didn't run back, the element of surprise, as Eret had said. (a/n woah reference? Final control room? Ahaha maybe) Instead, I went the opposite way, to come out from behind them. I started to run, the faster the better, it was becoming night and if I didn't get there at the right time I would miss them.

I saw them laughing together, happy, complete (a/n jealoUs). I reached out with my hand (dUh) before grabbing her shoulder and pulling her closer to me.

"GeEz hun, personal space much?" She said, as if she knew I was gonna come get her, I looked at her slightly confused before Tommy again started laughing. I sighed before hugging her. I missed her. Godamnnit even though it was only a few hours, how I'd missed her.


How enjoyable another chapter on the same day! I was wondering if long, weekly chapters would be better than shorter once every two days or more chapters. So I guess I could try to post on, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, and Monday- Obviously since I'm still a student I may decide to know to stop writing for a bit for mental health reasons. I will most definitely talk about that on my community board and Instagram. It's,

I'm gonna add that to my bio, vroom vroom. Thanks for reading !!

i can't handle change[dwtxreader] !discontinuedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang