Chapter Two

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"y/n! Look what I found!" Tiny Dream screamed through the forest, she looked at him confused, her eyes wide. They were adventuring outside in the forest, there was a cleared area around the middle in which they would play whilst they were bored.

George and Sap ran over, even though they weren't even called. All the children looked intrigued, as he proudly held up a small circular object he had found, it was peculiar, the inside was completely see-through but you could only see a plain white screen at the front. He smiled, one thing he'd been insecure about since the beginning of time was the small freckles that decorated his face like icing sugar. George's eyes sparkled as he grabbed the soon-to-be mask with his grubby fingers. Sapnap laughed as Dream's eyes turned to a mix of confusion and disappointment before he tackled George to the ground. You burst out laughing nearly passing out along with Sapnap.


You'd miss the old days, before everyone else, before the mask he wore when it wasn't just you four, but his freckles were probably the only thing that stayed the same, still painted on his face even with how severely tanner he was now. The use of the mask had been increased, only taken off when you had asked or when in deep thought. At this point, taking it off to sleep was unneeded, you all thought he was "over-wearing" it, but he had complained that Sap had his white bandana, George had his goggles and you, you had your cloak. It covered your whole body, you'd only worn it on very special occasions. Meeting new people to be exact, before you knew you could trust them.

You glanced over to the navy linen "cloak" on the floor. It also seconded as a blanket when someone passed out while chilling in your room, like reading or something. You picked it up, the odor of the Sapnap seeping into your nose, you grimaced as you threw it down the stairs for washing.

( a/n I have no ideas)

You decided to have a nap, you snuggled into your yellow bed sheets and slowly drifted off to bed.

367 words

New chapter very soon, I need to do my assignments grrrr.

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