What love is to me

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People who get to know me better will recognize that I am in awe of language.
I am deeply amazed of how much it changes, how much it changed ever since, but, how stable it is at the same time.
But one day one of my teachers made us think about a quote of Wittgenstein: "The limits of my language mean the limits of my world."
Most people agree on that, but I simply couldn't. Though, I think so highly of language.
Nevertheless, I can't deny that love is beyond words. That there are feelings we can't vocalize. That there is an urge that can't be pronounced.
There is no such thing as a 'loss of words'. Words were never lost. But for love, non were ever found.
Love is the one thing greater than language.
And maybe so is hate. But hate does not exist alone. It is a side effect of love. A result of its bad outcome. But love itself is independent. And it's the basis for everything that comes after.
Therefore, love is more momentous than anything else. It's the moment itself.

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