Sorry Guys, But Thank You<3 A/N

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So um,, sorry for the late uploads--- I've got some serious burnt out euxdhbdebxiydx---

I don't know if I'll update this for awhile-- or again-- it is due for four more chapters, but i've kind of drifted from the danganronpa fandom,,,, its uh-- yeah,,---

So Um,, I'm sorry guys--- to all the people who would vote/comment on every chapter, to everyone who made my day so much better just by making another 12 inch dick joke in the smut chapters,,---Thank you, You all made my dream come a whole lot clearer<3

I've always wanted to be a talented writer-- and your love and support really motivates me to keep trying, so thank you. Thank you so much<33

Anyway,, I hope you understand-- And yeah,, sorry---


SaiOuma/OumaSai OneShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora