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March had come and gone, as did April and May. By the time June rolled around, Jennie was ready to take these babies out herself. At times, she felt uneasy in her body, as she was used to being thinner.

With the twins, she hadn't grown as big as she had during this pregnancy. Her maternity clothes were an extra large, and we're beginning to become too tight.

'Only a week left' Jennie kept repeating to herself. They had done up the guest bedroom to be a nursery, with three cribs and two changing tables. Chaeyoung had donated the one she had used when Ryujin was a baby, to help the young couple keep within the amount of money they had.

Jisoo's parents had flown in the night before, and Jennie's were due to arrive tomorrow morning. They were staying in a hotel about 5 blocks from the Kim home.

"Mommy, are those babies ever going to come out?" Yeji asked, as they sat on the porch in their backyard.

They were having a barbeque/baby shower with everyone from work and the soon-to-be grandparents. Chaeyoung had brought Lisa and Ryujin, and Mino had brought Carly along.

Jennie was happy to see that there relationship was working out so well. They had been together almost a year.

"Soon, sweetheart, soon." Jennie said, rubbing Yeji's head as she laid it on top of Jennie's stomach, to see if she could hear anything. It was customary for Yeji to come into Jennie's bedroom at night, and sit and just listen to the babies.

"No soon! I want them to be here now." Yeji said, picking her head up after hearing nothing.

"Well, you're just going to have to wait. There's nothing Mommy can do. These babies decide when they want to come out." Jennie said, picking up a gift box off the floor with a tag that read in pink, curly letters 'Yeji.'

"Look sweetie, somebody brought a gift for you." Jennie knew who it was from, she had seen Bobby walk in with the pink package behind his back and had placed it on one of the porch steps. "I wonder what it could be" she said, watching as Yeji ripped at the wrapping paper.

"Ooh, Mommy, look." said Yeji, throwing the box and tissue paper to the side and holding up the white t-shirt. In pink and purple glittery writing, it said 'Best Big Sister.'

"Yeji, its beautiful. Uncle Bobby brought it." she said, pointing towards where Bobby and Jisoo were talking.

Bobby had looked up and saw Yeji holding the shirt. He held up his arms to her, and she ran towards him. At the same time, Jisoo had made her way up over to where Jennie was sitting, with her legs outstretched.

"How is my beautiful wife?" Jisoo asked. After not getting a reply, she turned around to see what was keeping Jennie from answering.

"She's in labor. My water just broke." Jennie said, trying to get up.

"What? Are you sure?" Jisoo said, dropping the soda she had just poured for herself.

"Yes Chu, I'm absolutely positive." She said, getting up.

"OK, let me go get Chaeyoung and she'll bring you out to the car. Mino! Mini!" She called out as Mink ran towards her.

"Mino, go get the duffel bag that's next to our bedroom door and bring it out to my Tahoe."


"Jennie's going into labor." She said, running off to get Lisa as Chaeyoung walked out of the house to see what the commotion was.

"What's going on here?" Chaeyoung asked, grabbing onto Jennie's arm and helping her walk into the house.

"Oh nothing really, Jisoo spilled some soda, and I'm getting ready to give birth to triplets." She said, making her way towards the front door. Chaeyoung smiled. "Do you mind walking me to the car?"

"Yes, oh wow. OK, come on, lets go!" She said, as Mino ran past them to unlock the Tahoe. While Jennie made her way to the car, Jisoo had scooped up Yeji in her arms and Mino grabbed Hyunjin.

"Hey Lisa, do you mind driving with these two to the hospital? Jennie doesn't need to hear them bickering in the back seat right now." Mini said, handing Yeji over to Lisa.

"Sure, man. Come on guys, Mommy's going to have the babies!" She said, going out to her car. "Hey Carly, you and Mino want to ride with me?"

"Alright, but I think Mino went to help out." Carly said, taking Hyunjin out of Lisa's arms so that she could get her car keys out.

"Lis, me, Chaeyoung and Ryujin will follow behind you guys." Bobby said, calling Ryujin over.

"Mommy!" Yeji said, jumping out of Lisa's arms as they made their way outside.

"Hey baby" she said, as Jisoo climbed into the driver's seat. "I'll see you at the hospital, OK, honey?"

"OK Mommy." She said, as she followed Lisa to her car.

"Come on Mino, you and Carly are riding with us." Lisa said, as Mini closed the trunk to Jisoo's Tahoe.

"Yeah, and Chaeng, you're coming with me and Ryujin." Bobby said, following behind as he made sure the front door was locked behind them.

They all drove to the hospital, one Tahoe behind the other. Three in a row. Jennie found it quite ironic. Three Tahoes going to the same place to be there when three babies are born.

... .......

Four and a half hours later, and Jennie had given birth to the first of the three children. Jisoo walked out of the delivery room, practically glowing.

"A girl, she's had a girl." Jisoo said, picking Hyunjin up off the floor as Yeji slept in one of the waiting room chairs.

"Congratulations, Jisoonie."

"Yeah, thanks. They're giving her a little breather before pushing out the next one. It was amazing" Jisoo said. With the twins, Jennie had to have a C-section, but this time she had done it naturally. She wanted no drugs, but she could only take so much pain, and finally gave in and had an epidural.

"Mrs. Kim" a nurse called out, popping her head out from the delivery room. "Your wife wants you."

"OK, thanks." She said, turning back around to her friends and family. "I'll be back."

45 minutes later, and Jisoo walked out in the same fashion he had before.

"She had a boy" she said, looking as her twins slept in waiting room chairs. "She's taking another rest. Let me go back in there, I just wanted to let you guys know." Jisoo said, getting a hug from Chaeyoung.

"We'll be here" Chaeyoung called out, as Ryujin began to fall asleep in a waiting room chair.

An hour and a half later, and Jisoo walked out once more, with the same glow she had the previous two times.

"Another boy. Two boys and a girl. Three sons and two daughter. Five children." Jisoo said, validating it for herself and for the rest of the people. An elderly couple sitting in the waiting area smiled at her, as she woke up Yeji and Hyunjin.

"Hey guys, did you sleep well?"

"Yeah Mama, did Mommy have the babies?" Yeji asked, rubbing her eyes sleepily.

"Yup, she had two boys and a girl." Jisoo grinned while wiping Yeji's forehead.

"Really?" Hyunjin asked, perking up as he heard the news.

"Really. You can't see the babies right now, but you can see Mommy. She wants to see you two." said Jisoo.

"Okay Mama, but can you carry me? I'm too sleepy to walk." Yeji said, holding her arms up to Jisoo.

"Of course, Yeji." She said, grabbing onto one of Hyunjin's hands.

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