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Jisoo had woken up later than she was supposed to. She simply forgot that the twins had preschool at 10AM. She woke up at 9:15, and had the kids fed and dressed by 9:45. She was proud of herself. Jisoo didn't have enough time to iron the clothes like Jennie had suggested, or rather commanded, but she figured she'd be happy as long as they got to school. She got herself dressed, and they got their at exactly 9:59AM.

When she dropped them off, Ms. DiMonda had told Jisoo that if Jennie was coming to pick the twins up, that she should come no earlier than 12:20PM. Jisoo didn't think she needed to know Jennie was gone, so she just told her she herself would be there to pick her up.

Jisoo could see why Jennie had her reservations about this teacher. While they were at school, Jisoo had cleaned up the house from breakfast and from the night before. At 12:20, just as Jisoo was walking out of the house to pick the twins up, the phone rang. She knew she couldn't answer it, but figured there was no harm in looking at the Caller ID.

She went over to the phone, and the Caller ID said "Cell Phone." Jisoo read the number, and recognized it as Jennie's. She wondered why she would be calling at this time, her being the one telling Jisoo not to be late to pick the kids up. She picked up her cell phone, and went out to the Tahoe. As she pulled out of the drive-way, she dialed Jennie's phone.

"Hey, Jen, did you call the house?" Jisoo said, fumbling with her seatbelt and trying to hold the phone to her ear.

"Yeah, I needed to talk to you." Jennie said. The reception was fuzzy, with both of them being on their cell phones.

"What's wrong?" Jisoo said, knowing that the tone of Jennie's voice was never used when she had good news.

"I won't be home on Friday. It'll probably be more like Saturday night, or Sunday morning." Jennie said, pulling the receiver away from her ear, expecting Jisoo to yell and scream at the news. After not hearing a reaction, Jennie got worried. "Jis? Hello?"

Jisoo had to think before answering. She didn't want to scare Jennie by yelling. "That's alright, baby. Why the delay?" Jisoo said, stopping at a traffic light and switching the phone to the other ear.

"We figured out the husband did kill his son, used the string on the vertical blinds in his son's room. He doesn't believe we've done all of our work properly and wants us to double-check all of our evidence. Everything, again. Lisa and I have to go back to the crime-scene tonight, and then tomorrow we'll process whatever else we find. Hopefully, Saturday we'll be able to close the case." Jennie said, opening the door to her hotel room. She had to change her clothes after spilling coffee all over herself during her quick breakfast.

"Its really OK, Babe. We've been doing fine without you. We do miss you, though. Any ideas of what I can make them for dinner?" Jisoo said, pulling up to the preschool.

"Um, there should be some sort of pasta in the cabinet, just make that. And slice up some Italian bread. And if you want, there should be some jar of sauce right next to the pasta. You don't have to make that if you don't want to, but Hyunjin will probably carry on if there's no sauce." Jennie said, opening her suitcase and trying to find something to match her khaki pants.

"OK, I'll ask him before I cook." Jisoo said, walking towards the classroom. She looked in the window, and the teacher saw him. She waved, obviously not wanting Jisoo to come in just yet, and went back to helping a child. "Jen, I hate their preschool teacher."

"See? I told you! She's a psycho. Why? Are you at the school right now?" Jennie asked, finally settling on a blue short-sleeved blouse.

"Yep, I'm right outside the door, and she just looked and waved. I think I'm here too early." Jisoo looked at her watch. "Its 12:28, are those 2 minutes really all that important to them?" Jisoo said, with her back to the door. She turned around when she heard someone clear their throat.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Kim, but your children are ready to go home." Ms. DiMonda said, standing there, looking embarrassed. Jisoo figured she wasn't embarrassed for herself, but for her.

"OK, thanks. Listen Jen, I have to go get the kids. I'll call you later. Bye. I love you " And with that, Jisoo flipped her cell phone, ending her conversation with her wife. "Hi Ms. DiMonda, how were they today?"

"Oh, they were perfect little angels, just as they were on Tuesday. You and your wife have done a wonderful job, considering it has to be difficult for a young couple to take on twins as their first born." Jisoo tried to figure out if she was using something nice to secretly say something spiteful about the way she and Jennie had raised their children. After not thinking of anything, she smiled politely and walked inside the classroom as Yeji and Hyunjin cleaned up in the art center. Jisoo walked over to the cubby area, and picked up their jackets. Once she got their belongings, she walked over to them.

"Hey guys, how was school today?" Jisoo said, handing Hyunjin his jacket and handing Yeji hers.

"It was so much fun today Mama. Yuna and I played with the Barbies she brought in from home, and she even has some I don't have. One of them had a mermaid tail and all different color hair." Yeji said, putting her jacket on.

"Who cares about Barbies, Yeji?" Hyunjin said, getting a look from Jisoo but continued buttoning up his jacket.

Jisoo opted to make them wear their button up jackets instead of the ones with zippers, because they had a hard time managing zippers and Jisoo's back was starting to hurt her from bending over so much. "Ma, they had this really cool airplane and it made the noises of an airplane, and it had a thing that spun in the front."

"A propeller?" Jisoo questioned.

"Yeah, a propeller and it was so awesome." Hyunjin said, grabbing onto Jisoo's hand.

"Who cares about a properlor, Hyunjin?" Yeji said, sticking her tongue out to him. When Hyunjin started running after her, she ran behind Jisoo's back.

"Hey, you two, cut it out. It's called a propeller, sweetie." She said, grabbing onto Yeji's hand and regrapping Hyunjin's.

"Thank you, Ms. DiMonda. We'll see you on Tuesday." Jisoo said, exiting the classroom with the twins in toe.

"No problem, Mrs. Kim. They really are very well behaved, just when they're not together." She said. As Jisoo started walking down the hall-way, Ms. DiMonda shouted, "And yes, Mrs. Kim, those two minutes really are important to your children's development. See you Tuesday!" And with that, Ms. DiMonda was gone.

Jisoo looked down as her twins walked down the hall. "Do you guys really like her?"

"She's alright, Mama." Yeji said, playing with the button on her coat pocket.

"Yeah, she gives us good snacks. Today we had those crackers with the peanut butter in the middle. Mmm, they're my favorite." Hyunjin answered, preoccupied with his mother's watch.

And with that, they were on their way to see Mino.

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