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"Mama, why does Mommy have to leave?" Hyunjin asked, after finishing his pizza. Jisoo insisted on Carly and Mino staying for the pizza, and they were all sitting around the dining room table. The couple could tell that Jisoo was antsy about being with her children for the next few days without Jennie.

"Because Uncle Bobby needs her, and sometimes other people need Mommy besides us." Jisoo said, standing up to start cleaning up. Carly then stood. "No, you sit" Jisoo said, grabbing her plate. "I have coffee and cake, so don't think you're leaving just yet."

As Jisoo walked into the kitchen, Carly admired the doll Yeji had clutched to her chest throughout dinner. Jisoo had asked her to put the doll back in her room while she ate, but she refused, and she was in no mood to argue with her.

"Yeji, that's a beautiful doll." Carly said, combing through the doll's hair with her fingers.

"Thank you, I got it for me for my birthday from my mommy and Mama." Yeji said, keeping her focus on the doll.

"Well, you're a very lucky girl for getting such a beautiful doll." Carly said, noticing that the little girl didn't want to talk. She decided not to push her.

Meanwhile, Hyunjin was telling Mino about the video he had gotten earlier in the day. Jisoo then reappeared from the kitchen with a tray of cookies and a cake Jennie had made during the day to keep herself busy while the twins were at preschool. She walked back into the kitchen, and reemerged with coffee for the adults, and milk for her children.

They made small talk during dessert, and before they knew it, it was 9:30PM.

"Hey Jis, we're going to go home."

"OK man, sorry that tonight was a little crazy." Jisoo said, beginning to clean up from dessert.

"No problemo, Jisoo. And hey, if you need any help with those two," Mino said, pointing to the couches, each with a sleeping Kim twin "don't hesitate to call."

"Thanks Mini. Bye." Jisoo said, leading Mino and Carly to the door. "See you guys later."

Jisoo closed the door, and walked back into her home. She sat on the chair that faced the two couches. She looked at her sleeping twins, and smiled. 'This should be a piece of cake,' she thought.

She finished cleaning the dining room table, and changed his kids out of their day clothes into their pajamas.

"Mama?" Yeji said, as Jisoo tucked her in.

"Yeah, Yeji?" She said, pulling the covers up to her chin.

"I miss mommy" She said, pulling her doll close to her.

"I know sweetie, but she'll be back before you know it." She said, kissing her on the forehead. As she left her room, she couldn't help but think how easy this was going to be. Shee couldn't figure out why Jennie was so nervous. Jisoo got changed and hopped into bed. She was missing Jennie too, she was so used to her being right next to her when she went to sleep. 'She'll be home soon,' she kept repeating in her head.

... ... .......

"Good morning, Mama!" Hyunjin said, as he jumped onto his mother's bed.

"Oh man, Hyunjin, what time is it?" Jisoo said, watching as her son hopped all over her bed.

"Its time for Animal Jam. Come on, lets go and watch it."

"You go and get all comfy on the couch, and I'll be right there." As Hyunjin was about to leave, Jisoo said "Hey Hyunjin, is Yeji awake yet?"

"Yeah, but she won't come out of her room. I think she misses mommy a lot." Hyunjin said, running towards the living room.

Jisoo headed towards her daughter's room.

"Hi sweetie, don't you want to come and watch Animal Jam with me and Hyunjin ?" Yeji just nodded 'no.'

"Are you sure?" Jisoo said, she just nodded.

"OK, well if you want to, we'll be in the living room watching Animal Jam." With that, Jisoo left her in her room, brushing her doll's hair.

"Mama, come on. You're missing it!" Hyunjin said, sitting on the couch with the remote control in his hand.

"OK, buddy." Jisoo sat down next to Hyunjin.

An hour later, after two consecutive episodes of Animal Jam, Jisoo was completely shocked at how kids could be so mesmerized with something that was so entirely ridiculous.

"Hey Hyunjin, go get Yeji and tell her I'm making breakfast."

Hyunjin just simply screamed "YEJI!"

"Hey, hey. I could've done that." Jisoo said, still recovering from Animal Jam.

Yeji came out of her bedroom, still holding on to her doll. Jisoo remembered her and Jennie changing her outfit. She figured the doll reminded Yeji of Jennie.

"Hey Yeji, want some breakfast?" Jisoo said, trying to make her daughter not feel so bad.

"Yeah, what are we having?" Yeji said. Jisoo was happy that she finally decided that talking was a better approach at communication than nodding.

"Anything you want." When Hyunjin heard that, he remembered their favorite breakfast food.

"Hey Mama, can we have chocolate chocolate chip pancakes?" At the sound of chocolate chocolate chip pancakes, Yeji perked up.

"Sure, we can have pancakes. Can you go turn on something other than Animal Jam?" Hyunjin went, and turned on Nickelodeon. 'The Rugrats' Jisoo thought 'I should've figured he wouldn't have turned on the news.'

As Hyunjin and Yeji sat in the living room, the phone rang.

"Hello? Hey, Jen." At the mention of their mother's name, the twins ran into the kitchen.

"Mommy! Mama, can we talk to mommy?" Yeji asked, leaving behind the doll that had become like a third arm.

"Sure. Jen, Yeji wants to talk to you. OK, hold on."

"Hi Mommy, no I'm fine. I miss you, too. No, OK. I love you too, Mommy. Here's Hyunjin." Yeji said, handing the phone to Hyunjin.

"Hey Mommy. I'm really great, Mama watched Animal Jam with me. Yeah, it was so cool. Yeah, with the monkeys. OK, I love you. Bye Mommy." Hyunjin said, handing the phone back to her mother and running back into the living room with Yeji to watch TV.

"Hey Jen, how's the case going? No, its been fine. Well Jennie, its only been 12 hours. If anything goes wrong, Mino offered to help. Jen, I'm just kidding. I wouldn't leave them with Mino. Well, not for long periods of time. Kidding, again, kidding. OK, yeah, go back to work. I love you. OK, bye." Jisoo said, placing a pancake in two plates for Yeji and Hyunjin. She made a bagel for herself. "OK, you guys, come on. Time for breakfast."

"Mama, what are we doing today?" Hyunjin said, his mouth full of chocolate chocolate chip pancakes.

"Well, I don't have any work so we can do whatever you want."

"Can we go to the park? Please, Mama, I love the park." Yeji pleaded, finishing her pancake. Jisoo just nodded, her mouth too busy with her bagel to talk.

'Today is going to be a very long day.' Jisoo thought.

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