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Jennie went to her doctor the day after revealing to her family that she was pregnant. She hadn't known for much longer than they did. She actually found out Tuesday afternoon, and was going to tell Jisoo the following night. But after she had to leave for North Carolina, she had no time to tell her and had to wait until she came home. During the plane ride, she had thought of ways to tell Jisoo. It didn't work and she only made herself nervous about the thought of telling Jisoo that they were expecting another baby. They hadn't really talked about it, being so pre-occupied with their children. But she thought that now would be a good time to have a baby as the twins began school.

Jennie found out that she was a month and a half along. 5 and three-quarters of a week, to be exact. It was too early to tell the sex of the baby, but Jennie had a premonition that she was going to have a boy. Boy or girl, the Kim family just wanted a healthy baby. A brand new healthy baby, as Yeji reminded them.

She had gone to work the night before to reveal the news to the rest of the team. Bobby, seemed less than surprised that the couple was expecting.

Lisa was delighted at the thought of more Kim children. "Hey, if the new baby is anything like the twins, you'll have the perfect all-Korean family." Chaeyoung was overjoyed and began to rub Jennie's tummy whenever she saw her, although you couldn't really even tell yet.

Mino, who was still getting over the idea of Jennie even being married to Jisoo, was thrilled and asked to be the godfather. Mino was Elle's godfather and Jisoo's brother, Jonghyun, was Hyunjin's.

"Sure Mino, we couldn't have thought of anyone more perfect to be the godfather." Jennie said, hugging the now beaming Mino.

... ... .......

6 months had passed, and with each month, Jennie's stomach began to grow bigger and bigger. Yeji was a little weary about touching her mother's expanding belly.

"Mommy, are you sure I won't hurt you?" Yeji said, only lightly rubbing it.

Hyunjin on the other hand like to touch her stomach as much as he could, rubbing lotion on it and holding his little tape cassette player up to the stomach with the song "Lullaby" by Billy Joel.

Preschool had ended for the twins about a week earlier, and they were nearing the end of March. Jennie had another doctor's appointment today, and with the twin's usual sitter on vacation, Jisoo was forced to bring them to the appointment.

"Now don't move from this spot. If I come out, and you're dancing like a jelly bean, Mommy is not going to be happy." Jennie said, placing some toys down on the waiting room floor as Jisoo signed her in at the receptionist desk.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Kim. This place is rarely full of activity, so I'll keep an eye on your young ones." The receptionist said. Jennie smiled politely at her, she looked no younger than 60 with curly white hair.

"Thank you, we shouldn't be very long." Jennie said, walking into the examination room.

"OK you guys, we'll be right in here. Don't try anything funny." Jisoo said, tickling Yeji in her side and following Jennie into the room.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Kim. Its so nice to see you again." Dr. Robel said, getting her chart out of a file cabinet. "Wow, you seem to be progressing nicely." He said, indicating her large stomach.

"Yeah, I feel enormous." Jennie said, getting up onto the examination bed, with a little help from Jisoo.

"OK, you probably want to do the sonogram before I ask you questions. Am I right?" Dr. Robel said, getting the cart with all of the sonogram equipment on it.

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