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A year later

"Mommy! Mommy!" Yeji called from her room.

Jennie jumped to her feet at the call. She slipped on her robe, and headed down the hallway. As she stood in the doorway, she felt something hit at the back of her legs.

"Hyunjin? Honey, why are you up?" Jennie said, as she bent down to her son's eye level.

"I heard Yeji scream, and I wanted to check and see if she was OK" the little bot said.

"Hyunjin, you're such a poophead!" Yeji said. She'd become more dramatic since Mino bought her a trunk full of dress-up clothes.

"Yeji? Why did you call for me?" Jennie questioned.

"I wanted someone to play dress-up with" Yeji said innocently.

Jennie saw Yeji eyeing the trunk, and knew it was way too early for anyone, even the Kim household's drama queen, to be playing dress up. Jennie picked her daughter up right as she was reaching for the latch to open the trunk.

"Hey Yeji, why don't you and Hyunjin go wake Mama up, and then she'll play dress up with you?" Yeji pondered this for a moment, and then her eyes got wide at the idea.

"Yeah!" Both twins screamed.

Jennie trailed behind as the twins, who had turned four years old the day before, ran for the bedroom they knew their father was sleeping in. As Jennie entered the room, she saw her twins devising a plan.

"Ok Yeji, I'm going to go up by Mama's head, and I'm going to count to three. Now, you sit on Mama's back and then we'll..." Jennie smiled as she watched her children conspire against her wife.

Jennie knew she should stop whatever was going to happen, but truly, she wanted to see what they were going to down.

"Yeji, are you ready?"

"Yeah, Hyunjin."

"Ok.. One.. Two.. Three!"

Once they reached three, Hyunjin bent forward to get as close as he could to his Mama's ear and Yeji jumped forward and was right in front of Jisoo as they screamed "MAMA!"

Jisoo jumped up, startled, at the loud noise that woke her up. She jumped up so quickly, that her and Hyunjin almost hit heads, causing Jennie to gasp and for Jisoo to look up at her.

"Hi Mommy"

"Hi Mama"

"Hi Mama!" Yeji said, wanting to be included in the exchange of greetings.

"Well, hello there Yeji. You're up early."

"No, they're not Mama. Its almost 11." Jennie said, matter-of-factly.

Jisoo groaned at this. She had only slept 4 hours, since Yeji had woken up at 6 screaming for a cup of juice. It took her another hour to recover from the scream. She had no idea how her daughter had so much energy.

"Whose hungry for breakfast?" Jennie said, trying to find a way to get her children out of the bedroom so that Jisoo could catch a few more minutes of sleep.

"No, no Mommy. I, Mama, will be making breakfast for the Kim family today." Jisoo said, knowing she wouldn't be able to go back to sleep not until maybe next week after those screams. Jisoo looked at her kids. "What do you guys want?"

"Chocolate chocolate chip pancakes!" Both screamed.

"Thats a very difficult meal to make. And only certain people can get chocolate chocolate chip pancakes. They usually have to be twins.. about 4 years old.. " At the description, Yeji and Hyunjin's tiny arms shot up and started flailing around.

"Mommy, do you know anyone like that?" Jisoo asked, hoping her wife would realize that she wanted to tease their children a bit.

"4 years old? Twins?" Jennie looked at Hyunjin and Yeji, then back to Jisoo, and simply stated "Nope."

"Mommy!" Yeji said, in her signature whiny voice.

"What, honey?" Jennie asked, feigning innocence.

"Me and Hyunjin are twins!"

"Yeah, and we're four years old." Hyunjin added.

"Wait.. are you sure?" Jisoo asked teasingly.

"Mama!" Teji said, her voice becoming more whiny as she became more frustrated.

"Mommy, I think we should investigate."

"Okay. Mama."

Jisoo walked up to Yeji then Jennie to Hyunjin . They stood in front of their kids, nodded at each other, and began their 'investigation.'

Jisoo looked through Yeji's longer curls, and Jennie examined Hyunjin's face.

"What do you think, Mommy?" Jisoo faced Jennie frowning.

"Well, I think these two are definitaly twins."

"Yes, and they are four years old."

"See? We told you." Hyunjin said.

"Ok, well, why don't you and Mama go start on those pancakes, and me and Yeji will get ready for today." Jennie said, taking her daughter's tiny hands, with the nails painted a sparkly pink, thanks to Lisa.

"Haha, Yeji has to take a bath!" Yeji turned around, and gave him a glare that Jisoo could only figure was from Jennie.

"Hey, Hyunjin, once Yeji's done with her bath, guess whose next?" Jennie said, making sure Yeji didn't feel bad.

"Umm.. Mama?" Hyunjin answered, now getting a look from Jisoo.

"Nope buddy, it'd be you. While the girls get all clean and pretty, we're going to go start breakfast. And once they're done, we'll be getting all clean and pretty."

Jennie walked out of the bedroom and made her way to the bathroom, with Yeji right behind her. As she entered the bathroom, she could hear Hyunjin say "But Mama, boys don't get pretty."

Jisoo looked at her son "Baby, anyone could be pretty. What matter your gender is, everybody can be pretty and everyone are pretty. Okay?"

"I can be pretty too?" Hyunjin said.

"Yes, of course baby!" Jisoo said. "You're already pretty."

"Like you and Mommy?"

"Mmm, like me and mommy"

'Today will be a long day... fun, but long.' Jennie thought to herself, as she filled up the bathtub with water.

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