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Jisoo and Jennie had washed the twins off in Chaeyoung's bathroom, then headed towards Lisa's room to change them.

Jennie said "You two need to learn that you can't just dig your hands in cake whenever you see one. If you would have asked for someone to cut a piece for you, we wouldn't be doing this" as Lisa brought sweats for Yeji to change into, and t-shirt for Hyunjin to put on. "Thanks, Lis."

"No problem, Unnie. Do you guys have to leave now?" Lisa asked, hoping she would still have time to play with the twins.

"In a little while we'll be leaving. These two are starting to get sleepy." Jisoo answered for Jennie, helping Hyunjin change his shirt.

"Mama, I'm not sleepy." Hyunjin said, as the t-shirt was pulled over his head. "Aunt Lisa! This shirt has the Power Puff Girls on it!"

"Sorry Hyunjin, but that's all I had. Its not like I have t-shirts for boys just lying around."

"Its OK, Lis. Hyunjin is just in a bad mood because he's getting tired." Jennie said, emerging from the bathroom with Yeji, who was now dressed in light pink sweats, with no stockings.

"Mommy, can I go put my stockings on Uncle Mino's head now?" Yeji said, remembering the compromise her and her mother had made earlier in the day.

"Sure, but if Mino says no, its no. No argument, you hear me Yeji?" Jennie said, as she hung her cleaned dress on a hanger to dry and set it on the doorknob.

"Ok Mommy. Hey Hyunjin , want to help?" Yeji said, hoping that her and her brother would be able to get the stockings onto Mino's head.

"Sure!" Hyunjin said, jumping off the seat that was at Lisa's desk. Him and Yeji pushed passed their parents, and headed towards the living room where the knew Mino was sitting with Seungyoon, watching some show on MTV.

"I never thought I could be this tired just from being at a party" Jennie said, as she sat down on Lisa's bed. Chaeyoung had heard this comment, and remarked "Yeah, a party where you have two four year olds running around. If you want, you can rest a little bit and I'll keep an eye on them."

"No thanks, Chaeng, its OK. I think if I fall asleep, I'll never wake up." Jennie said, getting up with a little help from Jisoo.

As the three walked towards the living room, they saw Carly walking towards the bathroom. "You guys might not want to walk out there just yet" she said, almost out of breath. "Your kids are on an energy high or something."

Jennie looked at Jisoo, and she put her hands on Jennie's shoulders and pushed her forward. "Come on, Chu. Chaeng did say she'd watch them for a little while.."

"No Jen, they're our kids." Jisoo said, wanting just as much as Jennie to go back and collapse on Lisa's bed, but didn't want to put Chaeyoung out.

As they entered the living room, Mino called out to them. "Jennie! Jisoo! Get these animals off of me. Come on, you guys! Please? Please Jisoo! Jen! Please!"

"Sorry Mino-ah, but you built up a reputation with these two that you're Mr. Fun, and you don't want to disappoint them, do you?" Jisoo said, walking over and sitting on the couch opposite them. At that moment, Hyunjin went right in front of Mino's face and put on the pout that he had mastered and knew would get him anything he wanted.

"Ugh, OK, but I'm only wearing these stockings on my head for 5 minutes. Kim Jisoo, start the countdown." Mino held up the white stockings with the runs that Jennie cringed at, and when Jisoo said "Go", Mino put them on his head.

Rosie reappeared from the kitchen at that moment. "Oh my gosh, Mino, they finally got to you, huh?" Mino just nodded.

He hated this, but he loved the happiness it brought to the twins. "Oh, I just have to get my camera. Don't go anywhere!" Rosie ran back into the kitchen, got out the disposable camera she had used to take a picture of Yeji sleeping on Jisoo's shoulder and the aftermath of the twins' cake brigade.

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