7th chapter

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Meanwhile in Los Angeles

Lexie didn't have any idea what was happening in Seattle while she had gone to get a coffee

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Lexie didn't have any idea what was happening in Seattle while she had gone to get a coffee. She was standing in front of the baggage claim. Her phone battery had died on the plane so she wasn't able to send her sister a text.

After she'd gotten her bags and rented a car, she went to a store to buy a new iPhone charger. Lexie rented a red Jeep Wrangler for her temporary stay. She'd always wanted one. (see picture above).

After her phone had charged for a little bit she turned it on and was confused. 19 Missed calls from Meredith. 41 texts from Callie. What's going on? She wondered and then decided to give her sister a call. It rang two times and a fully dissolved Meredith answered. "Lexie? Oh my god, are you okay?" She'd asked hysterically and didn't wait for an answer.

"There was a plane crash in the news and it was your flight number but it crashe in the Rocky Mountains and we thought you were dead." Meredith rambled. "No, no Mer. That was a misunderstanding. They gave me the wrong flight number so I boarded the one to Denver and the had to board another one. One that was actually going to L.A." She paused for a second and realised how bad it had looked the last 2 hours that her phone was dead. "I am so, so sorry you had to go through this. My battery died and I didn't have a charger so I had to buy one and- and I uh- I'm just so sorry."

Everybody was relieved to hear Lexie's voice but Mark was still in shock. He couldn't live without Lexie. He just couldn't. So he took the phone from Meredith. "Lexie?" His voice broke and everything was silent for a moment. "Lex, are you okay?"

"Yeah- Yes I am. I'm so sorry you had to experience this, too. All of you that were there. And I'm sorry I just left without saying anything. I shouldn't have done that but I threatened everybody not to say anything. I needed to get away for some time and I didn't know if you'd understand.."

"Of course I understand, Lex. You should've told me you were going to L.A."

A few hours later

After all the drama and misunderstandings were settled, Lexie found herself driving to her apartment at the beach, just a 10-minute-drive from Addison's house away. She'd wanted to meet her again for a long time but never got the chance to do so. When she got tot he beach apartment she took a minute to take a walk and enjoy the L.A. sunset. Beautiful shades of blue and orange in the sky (see picture below.)

Lexie walked up to Addison's porch, hoping she'd be home, so she knocked on the door, waiting for anything to happen

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Lexie walked up to Addison's porch, hoping she'd be home, so she knocked on the door, waiting for anything to happen. "Hello?" She shouted when nobody answered. Then the door opened, but it was not Addison standing there. It was some guy, maybe mid-twenties with wet hair, only wearing a wetsuit from his waist downwards. He's a surfer, she thought because there was a surfboard in the middle of his living room and he was holding wax in his hand.

"Uh, can I help you?" The surfer asked Lexie. "God, your eyes are gorgeously green", she said before thinking about it. "Wait- Did I.." She paused in embarassment and slapped her hand on her mouth. "I just said that out lout, didn't I?" The guy nodded and gave her a slight smile. Are you just creepy or do you have a name, too?" He joked around.

"I- uhm- Yes, hi, I'm Lexie. Lexie Grey." She said and held out her hand. "Hi, Lexie Grey. I'm Jagger." He shook her hand. "You here on vacation or why are you randomly knocking on people's doors?" He laughed.

"No, I- I actually just moved here from Seattle and I'm going to be staying here for a few years. I just wanted to meet a good friend of mine who was supposed to live in this house... Addison Montgomery?" She was still intimidated by Jagger's presence. He was fit and tan, you could see he was surfing a lot. Oh and that honey brown hair, he's just a dream. "Oh yeah, I know Addison. She's the girl dancing naked in front of her living room-window. Her house is right next to mine. I guess you just mixed up the numbers. But you can get lost anytime, I'm willing to help you out." He said with a serious look on his perfect face. When Lexie didn't react and was just staring at him, fighting to not check out his body again. "I'm just kidding, Lexie." His laugh is perfect. Everything about him is. How can such people even exist, that should be illegal, she thought. Luckily this time she didn't say out loud what she was thinking.

"Alright, well thanks. I'm gonna go now." Lexie told him and tried to back off from the porch but bumped against the railing instead. She turned around awkwardly and tried to smile. „"I guess, I'll see you around, Jagger." While walking away she could literally feel his looks on her but she resisted the urge to turn around.

Meant to beNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ