5th chapter

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Marks POV:

"Sorry, we'll continue later where we left off." I put on my scrubs and saw her standing there. Lexie with her mouth open, not able to say anything. She was speechless.

"I uh- uhm. Lexie" I started but was immediately cut off by both of our pagers starting to beep again. There was not time to explain, so we just started sprinting down the hallway and she didn't even dare to look at me once. Oh boy, this is bad.

In the ER

Bailey's POV:

"Okay everybody, we got a GSW to the chest, a bad stab wound on his neck and some cuts and bruises on the forearms."

"Jeez, what happened to him?" Lexie asked. "Well, I assume he was-" Mark was immediately cut off by Lexie who was asking me what she's supposed to do here.

"Well, for one thing you could help me try and safe this man's life but if you're too busy complaining about your attending on this case I could also ask someone else. What is up with you two?" I paused. "For god's sake Grey, pull yourself together and help me stop the bleeding here."

"Yes ma'am."

Five hours later

Lexie went into the waiting room to tell the parents about their son's sugery. "Mr and Mrs Darren? Finnick's surgery went fine. He's going to be in a bit of pain for the next week but we're pretty sure it's going to be a full recovery." They smiled at Lexie and thanked her for giving them updates.

Next she went to grab the patients' chart to update it when Mark ran into her and pulled her into an empty examination room.

"Lexie," before he could get interrupted by her he just continued talking, "No I'm talking now. And you will hear me out." She let out a sigh and sat down on the table.

"I love you. I do. And I never planned for all of this to happen. I had to go through this as a kid and I will not let that happen to my child. I will not turn my back on this. Never. And I get that you need to process things, I get it, really. But you can't keep throwing shit at me at work because we both work here, okay? And if you want to make my life a living hell, well then go ahead and do it. I probably deserve it. But you can't push me away cause I will stay right here no matter what you do. I promise you that."

He paused for a second to look her in the eyes, just to see tears building up and slowly running down her cheeks. "I'm not losing you again, Lexie Grey. Take all the time you need but I'm not walking away. If you do, that's your choice."

Mark came closer, wiped her tears away and with that, he was out the door and around the corner.


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